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Kean, Stevevn J: Kinder Morgan Inc,
Keane, James: Steelcase Inc.,
Keane, John M.: General Dynamics,
Keane, Maurice A: Bank of Ireland,
Keane, William: Robert Wiseman plc,
Kearney, Neil: National Foods,
Keating, Mary Jo: Northeast Utilities,
Keating, Seamus: LogicaCMG plc,
Kebble, Roger: Randgold Exploration Co. Ltd.,
Kee, Lee Shau: Henderson Land Development Company Limited,
Keegan, Peter W: Loews Corp,
Keegan, Robert: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co,
Keen, Nigel: Laird Group plc,
Keep, Gordon: Uranium One,
Kehaya II, Ery: Standard Commercial Corp,
Keifer, Alan: Baker Hughes Inc,
Keil, Brad: Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly,
Keitel, Hans-Peter: Hochtief AG,
Keitel, William: Qualcomm,
Keith, Michael G: AT&T Wireless Services, Inc,
Kelleher, Herbert D: Southwest Airlines,
Kelleher, Kevin: Sony Music,
Keller, David: McDermott International Inc,
Keller, Donald: Vlasic Foods Intl. Inc.,
Kellett, Stiles A: MCI Inc.,
Kelley, William N: Merck & Co., Inc.,
Kellington, John: Ohio Casualty Corp,
Kellner, Lawrence: Continental Airlines,
Kellogg, Peter: Biogen Idec Inc.,
Kelly Jr, Thomas: One Price Clothing Stores, Inc,
Kelly, Brian: Activision, Inc.,
Kelly, Carolyn: Seattle Times Co.,
Kelly, Douglas: Edwards AG Inc.,
Kelly, Gary: Southwest Airlines,
Kelly, Jeffrey: National City Corp.,
Kelly, John: Crown Castle International Corp,
Kelly, John F: Alaska Airlines,
Kelly, R James: Family Dollar Stores, Inc,
Kelly, Richard: Xcel Energy,
Kelly, Robert: Calpine Corp,
Kelly, Thomas: JetBlue Airways Corp,
Kelly, Wally C: CBS Outdoor,
Kelly, William M: Rothmans Inc.,
Kelsey, David: Sealed Air Corp,
Kelson, Richard: ALCOA (Aluminum Company Of America),
Kelterborn, Kaspar: Unaxis,
Kemna, Wolfgang: KPMG Consulting, Inc,
Kemner, Alexander: Unilever,
Kemoun, Gilles Ben: Delichips SARL,
Kemp, James: TransAlta Corp,
Kemp, Mark: Centex Corp.,
Kemper III, R. Crosby: UMB Bank,
Kemper, R. Crosby: UMB Bank,
Kempert, David: Cato Corp,
Kempler, Doron: Carmel Container Systems Ltd,
Kenan, Gabi: American Israeli Paper Mills Ltd,
Kendall, Robert: Jarvis plc,
Kendall, Terry: Cigna Corp.,
Kennedy, David: Fitch IBCA, Revlon, Inc.,
Kennedy, Gary: AIB (Allied Irish Bank),
Kennedy, James C: Cox Enterprises Inc.,
Kennedy, John R: International Paper Corp.,
Kennedy, Jon: Glacier,
Kennedy, Patrick T: Greencore group plc,
Kennedy, Robert R: International Paper Corp.,
Kennedy, Thomas: Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc,
Kenny, John F: Iron Mountain Inc,
Kent, David B: The Wine Group, Inc,
Kent, Muhtar: Coca Cola Co.,
Kent, Roderick D: Bradford & Bingley plc,
Kenyon, Peter: Manchester United plc,
Keogh, Colin: Close Brothers Group plc,
Keret, Moshe: Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd,
Kerkorian, Kirk: MGM Mirage,
Kern, Kevin C: Bway Corp,
Kern, Michael: Kamps AG,
Kernohan, R. Tina: Charlotte Russe Holding, Inc,
Kerpelman, Dan: SGS (Soci�t� G�n�rale de Surveillance Holding SA),
Kerr, David: Noranda Ltd,
Kerr, Derek: America West Airlines,
Kerr, Guy: AH Belo Corp,
Kerr, William T: Meredith Corp,
Kerr-Muir, James: SENIOR PLC,
Kesseli, Walmir: Tele Nordeste Celular,
Kessler,: Nettingsdorfer Papierfabrik,
Kessler, Denis: BNP Paribas, Bollor�, Dexia, Scor,
Kessler, Murray: UST Inc.,
Kessler, Ronald: Edwards AG Inc.,
Kestler, Hubertus: 3U Telecom AG,
Ketchum, Mark: Newell Rubbermaid Inc., Procter & Gamble, Co.,
Kettell, Russell: Golden West Financial,
Keung, Cheng Wai: Neptune Orient Lines,
KEUTGEN, Guy: UCB Group,
Kexing, Li: Sichuan Changhong,
Keyes, James: 7-Eleven, Inc.,
Keyes, James H: Johnson Controls,
Keyte, David: Forest Oil Corp,
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