name  click to compare prices |
4 Salti in Padella | Aardappel Anders, Aim, Ala, Algida, Amora, Aquaé, Asian Delight, Astra, Ati Tè, Aussi bon cru que cuit, Axe  | Becel, Benefit, Bifi, Bio Presto, Blue Band, Bon Vivant, Bong, Boursin, Bressot, Breyer's, Brioschi, Brooke Bonds PG Tips, Brut  | Cajoline, Cajoline fresh, Calippo, Calvé , Capessa, Caress, Carte d'Or , CD, Cerruti 1881, Charmin, Chicken Tonight, Cica , Cif , Citra, Clear, Clearblue One Step, Clearplan One Step, Clinic, Close-up, Coccolino, Colman's, Comfort, Compagnie Coloniale, Continental, Coral , Cornetto, Crisp & Dry, Crock, Cutex | Dawn, Degree, Denim, Dimension, Domestos , Dove , Durban's | Easy Iron, Effi, Elais, Eldorado, Eléphant  | Fair & Lovely, Feast, Flora, Foglio d'Oro, Fralib, Frigo, Friol, Frozen Foods, Frudesa, Fruit d'Or | Genepesca, Gol, Gradina, Grand Fermage, Griddle | Hartherz, Hazeline, Herbal Essences | I can't believe it's not butter, Impulse | Jif, Jinghua, JL Scherrer | Kibon, Kissan, Klondike, Knight's Castle, Knorr, Kockens | La Espuma, La Masia, Lakmé, Latta, Laundry, Leocrema, Lever 2000, Lifebuoy, Lipton , Lux, Lynx, Lyons, Lysoform | Magnum, Maille, Maré, Masterline, Max, Maxazria, Mayo, Meister-Marken, Mentadent , Miko , Milkana, Ming Hang Ching, Miss Irresistible, Mod's Hair, Montania, Mora, Mountain Cream | Navidul | Olivio, Omo , Organics  | Pacocha | pampers.com | Paperino, Pears, Peperami, Pepsodent , Persil , Persona, Planta, Pond's , Posicle, Pour tout vous dire | pourtoutvousdire.ca, pourtoutvousdire.com | Promise, Puget, Pure & Vegetal | Radion, Ragu, Raguletto, Rama , Ranieri, Red Labels, Relais d'Or, Reward, Rexona , Rin, Rituals, Rocca dell'Uliveto, Romantica, Royco | Sagit, Saveurs du soir, Savora, Sedal, Shield, Signal , Sizzle & Stir, Skip , Slotts, Snuggle, Solero , SR, Suave , Sun , Sunlight, Sunsilk, Sure, Surf, Svelto, Svelto | Taaza, Tabasco, Take Control, Tasbeeka, Tchaé, ThermaSilk, Timotei , Top-Down, Toseroni, Très Près, Twister | Unilever , Unox | Varela, Vaseline , Viandox, Viennetta , Vim, Vim Clorex, Vive la vie | Xtra White | Zhong Hua |
» Shop local, ethical and at the best price on Ethishop  |
year | business source |
2008 | Unilever sells 80% of the detergents bought in Vietnam and in South Africa. | Les Echos |
2008 | Unilever sells 70% of the detergents bought in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. | Les Echos |
2007 | Unilever sells 17,5% of the ice-creams bought in the world. | Les Echos |
2006 | In the world, people drink 1649 cups of Lipton tea every second. | Les Echos |
2006 | Unilever is the world's ninht-largest manufacturer of dairy products. | Les Echos |
2006 | Unilever is the world's third-largest retailer of consumer goods. | Reuters |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Brazil | Industria Gessy Lever Ltda : |
China | Hefei, province of Anhui : $50 million facility for Lipton tea Novis |
China | Unilever China Ltd : |
China | Minhang, Shanghai : |
Congo | Compagnie des margarines, savons et cosmétiques au Congo sarl : |
Congo | Plantations et huileries du Congo (76%) : |
Egypt | Fine Foods Egypt SAE (60%) : |
Ghana | Unilever Ghana Ltd (67%) : |
Hungary | Unilever Magyarorszag Beruhazasi Kft : |
Ireland | Lever Fabergé Ireland Ltd : |
Kenya | Brooke Bonds Kenya Ltd (88%) : |
Malaysia | Unilever Malaysia Holdings Sdn Bhd (76%) : |
Mexico | Unilever de Mexico SA de CV : |
Nigeria | Lever Brothers Nigeria plc (50%) : |
Pakistan | Lever Brothers Pakistan Ltd (67%) : |
Paraguay | Unilever Capsa del Paraguay SA : |
Peru | Industrias Pacocha SA : |
Russia | Inmarko, Omsk : Production, ice-cream Les Echos |
Russia | Inmarko, Novosibirsk : Production, ice-cream Les Echos |
Russia | Inmarko, Tula : Production, ice-cream Les Affaires |
Turkey | : US Government Country Business Profile |
Turkey | Elida-Gebze, Istanbul : |
Zambia | Lever Brothers Zambia Ltd : |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2006Cescau, Patrick |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 2,56 million US$; stock-options: 7,78 million US$;
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2008 | | ILO violation 87, 98 : Unilever uses military police to intimidate striking workers: On the morning of 8 December 2007, around 20 vehicles turned up at a Unilever factory with some 60 military police, who brandished shotguns in a menacing manner, carried revolvers in their belts, and started filming trade unionists and workers who were arriving at the factory by bus. The day before, the 550 employees of the multinational, together with 130 from Sinimplast, a subcontracting firm, had voted at a meeting to start a strike aimed at blocking all production. Since September the company had been refusing to engage in negotiations on wages.: Brazil | ITUC-CSI |
2007 | -254 | Internal restructuring: Unilever restructures the Miko factory in Saint-Dizier (the Marne): France | Les Echos |
2007 | -100 | Internal restructuring: Unilever cuts 100 of the 1400 jobs of the Knorr factory in Thayngen.: Switzerland | Romandie |
2007 | -474 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Unilever closes three factories in the Netherlands and cuts 11% of its jobs in this country.: Netherlands | Les Echos |
2007 | -20000 | Internal restructuring: Unilever cuts 11% of the world payroll before 2010. Its quarterly sales rise by almost 3% to 10 526 million euros whereas its net profit b climbs by 16% to 1 207 million euros. Unilever closes between 50 and 60 of its 300 plants.: | La Tribune |
2007 | -200 | Internal restructuring: Unilever cuts 15% of its head office jobs in Rueil-Malmaison.: France | L'Expansion |
2007 | -30 | Relocation: About thirty paid Alsatian site of Knorr were seen offering stations in... Poland and in Germany, dixit trade unions of this subsidiary company of the Unilever group. That whereas their establishment dedicated to research is closed soon. Worse still. The executives and the supervisors should then be satisfied with the wage conditions of the host country. I.e. to see their wages divided by five on average for those which would choose Poland!: Poland | L'Expansion |
2006 | | ILO violation 87 : Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), a subsidiary of the Anglo-Dutch multinational Unilever, sought to rid itself of the IUF-affiliated Hindustan Lever Employees Union (HLEU), a member of the IUF-affiliated All-India Council of Unilever Unions, by arranging the sale of its Mumbai-based plant to a HUL-created proxy company, Bon Ltd. At the time of the sale, the two principals of Bon Ltd were both full-time employees of HUL, operating under the supervision of M.K. Sharma, the head of HUL, with whom Bon Ltd signed the purchase agreement. More tellingly, Bon Ltd reportedly had a capitalization of only $10,800 and had to borrow over $2 million from HUL to conclude the purchase. The HLEU challenged the sale in the courts. Not surprisingly, Bon Ltd lacked the wherewithal or resources to manage the factory, and on July 26, 2006, announced it was closing down – thereby laying off all 911 HLEU members. HUL explicitly supported the closure in court documents filed by Bon Ltd to seek permission to close the factory.: India | ITUC-CSI |
2006 | -60 | Internal restructuring: Fralib Sourcing Unit cuts 25% of the jobs at its Gemenos plant.: France | Les Echos |
2005 | -2500 | Relocation: Unilever délocalise des activités financières et informatiques d'Europe de l'Ouest vers l'Inde et l'Europe centrale.: Netherlands | Les Echos |
2004 | -250 | Closure/Bankruptcy: The Záhreb plant closure will result in 280 job cuts by January 2006. The production of mayonnaise, tartar sauce and dehydrated food will be relocated to the Nelahozeves plant and other European sites.: Czech Republic | European Restructuring Monitor |
2000 | -51 | | Comité d'Entreprise Royco |
1989 | -150 | | Canadian Labour Congress |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2001 | India : Toxic emissions (vapour and effluent: mercury), not cleaning waste before shipment for recycling | Greenpeace |
1994 | United Kingdom : Rejets toxiques (Chlorure de vinyle, ethylene, acétate de vinyle): amende 15000 UK £ | Ethical Consumer |
year | country : consequences source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | | source |
2008 |
| | 5,3 | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2007 |
| | 4,14 | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2006 |
| 39,6 | 4,7 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2003 |
| | 3,9 | |   | billion Eu€ | The Guardian |
2002 |
| 50,7 | 2,24 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 45,91 | 1,64 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| | 1,04 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 47,6 | | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1999 |
| 45 | 3,05 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1998 |
Unilever proposait aux commerçants irlandais des congélateurs gratuits pour disposer les glaces à vendre, en échange d'une promesse de n'y mettre que des glaces Unilever. |
| | | |   | | AFP |
1998 |
| 47,53 | 3,43 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2008 | Disinformation: Unilever recruited three public relations firms, Lexis PR, JCPR and Ogilvy, to manage the charge of environmental organizations according to which the Dove branded soaps would be produced from palm oil related to deforestation in Indonesia.: | PR Watch |
2006 | value: Vitality for growth; | |
2006 | Arguable partnership: Depuis 2000, Unilever est partenaire de la fédération mondiale du cœur regroupant les associations mondiales des cardiologues. Unilever appose le logo World Heart Association sur certains de ses produits.: | Les Echos |
2005 | Campagne "Pur bonus santé" contre le cholesterol: value: Santé; ad | L'Express |
2004 | value: Vitalité, liberté, santé, toucher; | Les Echos |
2003 | slogan: Lipton Yellow: concept Bio-alive; | |
2001 | ad budget: 3005 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2001 | ad budget: 3005 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2001 | slogan: Dove: La douceur, le soin, le respect de la peau et la féminité.; | |
2000 | ad budget: 2928 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | ad budget: 2928 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | Arguable partnership: Global Compact with the United Nations: value: Respects human, social and environmental laws; | ONU |
2000 | slogan: Rexona for men, une efficacité imbattable.; ad | |
1999 | ad budget: 3610 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1999 | slogan: C'est sûr, c'est Sun.; | |
1999 | slogan: Une tasse de sérénité.; | |
1999 | slogan: Bien meilleur à toutes les heures.; | |
1999 | slogan: Top costaud, simplissimo.; | |
1999 | slogan: La pureté unique de l'oxygène actif.; | |
1999 | slogan: Ca pétille et basta.; | |
1999 | slogan: Rafraîchissez vous la tête.; | |
1999 | slogan: Du pain, du boursin, c'est sans fin.; | |
1999 | slogan: Amora, par amour du goût.; | |
1999 | slogan: Signal, l'ingrédient le plus actif, c'est vous.; | |
1999 | slogan: Vous abusez trop du thé Eléphant.; | |
1999 | slogan: Vivez l'effet Lipton ice tea.; | |
1998 | slogan: Il n'y a que Maille qui m'aille.; | |
1998 | slogan: La chaleur fait du bien à vos cheveux.; | |
1998 | slogan: Brut, parfum mâle pour homme.; | |
1998 | ad budget: 3428 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1998 | slogan: Nouveau Timotei, goûtez au pouvoir de la nature.; | |
1998 | slogan: Men can't help acting on impulse.; | |
1998 | slogan: Heureusement, il y a Findus.; | |
1998 | slogan: La vie est une question de priorité.; | |
1997 | slogan: Liptonic, ressource-toi.; | |
1997 | ad budget: 3129 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1997 | slogan: Lipton, qualité n°1.; | |
1997 | slogan: Royco, un vrai régal pour ma famille.; | |
1996 | ad budget: 3304 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1994 | slogan: Lipton, la magia del té.; | |
1993 | slogan: L'huile d'olive Puget emballe tout le monde.; | |
1992 | slogan: Domestos kills all known germs anywhere.; | |
1981 | slogan: Omo, en France on y est fidèle.; | |