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Companies from Romania

Foreign companies established in this country.

Economy, tax incentives & labor conditions

A blue-collar worker earns on average a wage of 396 euros gross per month in this country in 2008.
(L'Expansion , France , 01/10/2008 )

The Rumanian average wages are approximately 350 euros per month.
(AFP , 24/03/2008 )

The average wage cost in the car industry is 2,1 euros per hour.
(Les Echos , France , 25/03/2006 )

The tax on corporate profit is 16%.
(Entreprise , 01/01/1999 )

Minimum wage noted (US$/day)
(year, wage and name of the contracting company)

2008 32 US$/day at/for Daewoo Electronics
2008 21 US$/day at/for Ford Motor Co.

Main labor right violations
(year, company name and norm number)

2008 Nokia 1
2002 PPR (Pinault-Printemps-La Redoute) 1,29,105
1998 IKEA 87, 98

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