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Gobin, Shelly: Kingsway Financial Services Inc.,
Gochnauer, Richard W: United Stationers Inc,
Gocho, Ken-ichiro: Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
Goddijin, Harold: TomTom,
Goddu, Roger V: Montgomery Ward Holding Co.,
Godfrey, Brett: Virgin Blue,
Godsell, Robert M: Anglogold Ashanti Ltd,
Godsoe, Peter: Bank of Nova Scotia, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Inc.,
Goebel, David L: Applebee's International Inc.,
Goergen, Robert: Blyth Inc,
Goggins, John: Moody's,
Goic de la Fuente, Alejandro: LanChile,
Goirigolzarri, Jose Ignacio: BBV (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya),
Golan, Dafna: RIT Technologies Ltd,
Gold, Christina A: Western Union Co.,
Gold, Stanley P: Disney (Walt) Co.,
Goldbarg, Denisse: Teligent, Inc,
Goldberg, Carol R: Gillette Co.,
Goldberg, Daniel: Attunity Ltd,
Golden, Charles: Eli Lilly & Co.,
Golden, Michael: The New York Times Co,
Golden, Robert C: Prudential Financial, Inc,
Golden, Terence C: Marriott International Inc.,
Goldfarb, David: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.,
Goldhammer, Robert: ImClone Systems Inc,
Goldin, Valery: Vimpelcom,
Goldman, Kenneth: Siebel Systems, Inc,
Goldsberry, Ronald E: UNUMProvident Corp.,
Goldshtein, Avi: ECtel Ltd,
Goldstein,: Toys "R" Us Inc.,
Goldstein, Adam: Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd,
Goldstein, Dennis: dELiA*s Corp,
Goldstein, Mitchell: Great Atlantic & Pacific,
Goldstein, Steven: Saga Communications Inc,
Golisano, B Thomas: Paychex Inc.,
Golisano, B. Thomas: Paychex Inc.,
Goll, Siegfried: Tognum,
Golub, Harvey: American Express Co.,
Gomes Muller de Oliveira, Jos� Augusto: Usiminas,
Gomez, Alain: Facom,
Gomez, Alejandro Sadurni: Casa Saba, Grupo,
G�mez, �ngel Losada: Gigante,
Gomez, Armando Ortega: Southern Copper Corp.,
G�mez, Jos� Ram�n Arce: Bankinter SA,
Gomez, Victor Segura: Corporaci�n GEO, S.A. de C.V.,
G�mez-Cu�tara, Tom�s Pascual: Pascual Grupo Leche S.A,
Gomo, Steve: Network Appliance, Inc,
Gon�alves, Jorge Jardim: Banco Commercial Portugues,
Gon�alves, Jorge M Jardim: Banco Comercial Portugues SA,
Goncharuk, Alexander: Mobile TeleSystems,
Gonen, Arie: Attunity Ltd,
Gonfiantini, Magno Jose: Cosipa (Companhia Siderurgica Paulista),
G�ngora, Antonio Cant�n: Xfera M�viles, S.A,
Gonnord, Yves: Fleury Michon,
Gontier, Fran�ois: EEM (Electricit� et Eaux de Madagascar SA),
Gonzales, Kenda: University of Phoenix Online,
Gonzales, Pablo Turner: Falabella SACI,
Gonzalez Rocha, Oscar: Southern Copper Corp.,
Gonzalez, Benjamin: Metabolic Explorer,
Gonzalez, Claudio X: General Electric Co., Kellogg Co., Kimberly-Clark Corp., Unilever,
Gonzalez, Richard: Abbott Laboratories,
Gonzalez-Adalid, Antonio: European Chemical Industry Council, Repsol YPF,
Gonzalez-Tarrio, F Aranguren: REE (Red Electrica de Espana),
Gonzalo de Pro, Ana: Sacyr Vallehermos,
Good, Charlees E. (Ed): Snyder's of Hanover,
Good, Ian: Edrington Group,
Goode, C: ANZ Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd,
Goode, David: Norfolk Southern Corp.,
Goode, Ronald: Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC,
Goodes, Melvin R: Warner Lambert Co.,
Goodfriend, Robert M: Goody's Family Clothing, Inc,
Gooding, Val: Compass Group plc,
Goodman, Alan G: CeNeS Pharmaceuticals plc,
Goodman, Marvin B: Manpower,
Goodman, Ned: Dundee Bancorp,
Goodman, Patrick J: MEC (MidAmerican Energy Holdings) Co.,
Goodman, Roy: RealNetworks, Inc.,
Goodmanson, Richard R: DuPont de Nemours,
Goodrich, Richard: Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV,
Goodson,: Oshkosh Truck Corp.,
Goodwin, Fred A: Royal Bank of Scotland,
Goodwin, James E: UAL Corp (United Airlines),
Goodyear, Charles: BHP Billiton,
Goolsby Jr, O.B.: Pilgrim's Pride Corp.,
Goossens, John J: Belgacom SA, KBC Bankverzekerin, Total SA,
G�ransson, Alf: NCC AB (Nordic Construction Company),
Gordon, Ellen: Tootsie Roll Industries Inc.,
Gordon, Harold P: Dundee Bancorp, Hasbro Inc.,
Gordon, Melvin: Tootsie Roll Industries Inc.,
Gore, Al:
Gore, Robert W: W L Gore & Associates,
Gorelick, Jamie: United Technologies Corp.,
Gorg�, Jean-Pierre: Finuchem SA,
Gori,: Uno a Erre,
Gorman, James: Merrill Lynch & Co.,
Gorman, Joseph T: Procter & Gamble, Co., TRW Inc.,
Gorman, Leon A: LL Bean Inc.,
Gorman, Lon: Schwab Charles Corp.,
Gormly, Allan: BPB plc,
Gorriti, Emilio: Hispanic Television Network, Inc,
Goss, Mike: Bain Capital LLC,
Gossage, Thomas L: Hercules Inc,
Goto, Masahito: Makita Corp,
Goto, Shunkichi: Chisso Corp,
Goto, Takuya: Kao Corp.,
Gotschall, Edward F: New Century Financial Corp,
Gotta, John: Lincoln National Corp.,
Gottfried, Randy: Inktomi Corp,
Gottwald, Bruce: Ethyl Corp.,
Gottwald, John: Tredegar Corp,
Gottwald, Thomas: Ethyl Corp.,
Gough, Sir Brandon: De la Rue plc.,
Goulandris, Peter: Waterford Wedgwood plc,
Goulbourne, Sarah-Jane: Stanley Leisure plc,
Gould, Andrew: Schlumberger Ltd,
Goulden, David: EMC Corp.,
Gounon, jacques: Eurotunnel,
Gourbin, Jean-Louis: Bunge Ltd,
Gourde, Rejean: Cambior, Inc.,
Gourdon, Fran�ois: Environnement SA,
Gourgeon, Pierre: ITM Entreprises SA,
Goutard, Noel: Alcatel Lucent, Valeo SA,
Goutard, No�l: Valeo SA,
Goutseriev, Michail: Roussneft,
Goyenechea, Rosalia Mera: Inditex (Industria de Diseno Textil),
Gozalo, Roman: Maurel & Prom,
Gozlan, Marc: Box Office SA,
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