name  click to compare prices |
ALD Automotive, ALD Automotive, Amundi (50%), Apeejay Finance (75%) | Banco Pecunia, Banco Pecúnia (70%), Banco Sogeral, Banco Supervielle, Barep, Barep, Baring Corilius Private Equity, BCPE, BFM Banque Fédérale Mutualiste | Chase Trust Bank, CIG, ClickOptions, CrediAgora, CrediNil, Crédit Immobilier Général, Cube Financial | De Maertelaere, DeltaCredit | EIC, Eqdom, Eurobank, European Investment Corporation | Fiditalia, Fidus sal, Fimatex (77%) , Finance-Net, Franfinance | Groupama Banque (20%) | Hambros, Hanseatic Bank (75%) | lifassur.com | Lyxor Asset Management | Nabab | Oradea Vie, Oster Lizing | PreferedTrade, PreferredTrade, Promek Bank, ProstoFinance | Rockefeller Financial Services (34%) | Salvepar (51%), SG Asset Management, SG Private Banking, SGBCI, SKT, Société Générale , Société Générale Asset Management, Sogecap, Sogenactif, Sogenal, Sogeprom, Sogeral, Splitska Banka | Yamaichi |
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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2006 | France's fourth-largest bank network with 2700 outlets. | Les Echos |
2006 | Societe Generale SA is France's third- biggest lender. | Bloomberg |
2005 | La Société Générale has 19,2 million customers around the world. | |
2003 | Société Générale sells 7,6% of the bank services bought in France. | Les Echos |
BRD |  | 58,3 | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Algeria | Société Générale Algérie (90%) : Les Echos |
Netherland Antilles | SGA Société Générale Acceptance NV, Lanhuis Joonchi, Kaya Richard z/n Curacao : tracker issuer |
Austria | Prinz Eugen Strasse Vienne & 431 506 95 0 : |
Bahamas | SG Hambros Bank and Trust, Po Box N7788 West Bay St. Nassau & 242 302 5000 : |
Brazil | Banco Pecunia : Production, |
Brazil | Banco Pecúnia (70%) : AOF |
Bulgaria | : crédit à la consommation Les Echos |
Cyprus | 9,Griva Digeni ave., Lefkosia 1082 & SWIFT SOGECY2NXXX : |
Ghana | SSB Bank (50,7%) : AOF |
Gibraltar | SG Hambros Bank and Trust, Po Box 375 32 Line Wall Rd. & 350 74850 : |
Guernsey | SG Hambros Bank and Trust, Po Box 6, St Julian Av. St Peter Port & 44 1481 726521 : |
Hong-Kong | Edinburgh Tower, Central District : |
India | Bangalore : Production, Hub informatique, 300 employés Les Echos |
India | Apeejay Finance (75%) : Libération |
India | Deux agences à Mumbai et New Delhi : banque privée Les Echos |
Ireland | 31-32 Morrison Chambers Nassau Street Dublin & 3531 6704255 : |
Jersey | SG Hambros Bank and Trust, Po Box 78, 13 Broad Street St Helier & 44 1534815600 : |
Labuan | Financial Park Labuan : |
Lebanon | Sin El Fil Rond-Point Saloume PO Box 112955 Beyrouth & 9611 499813 : |
Luxembourg | 13-15, Avenue Emile Reuter & 352223982 : |
Malaysia | Menara Tan & Tan 207 Jalan Tun Razak Kuala Lumpur & 6032644882 : |
Monaco | 13-15, Boulevard des Moulins & 37793155700 : |
Pakistan | Moulvi Tamiz Uddin Khan Road KARACHI 74000 & 9221.561.18.46 : |
Panama | Cl 53 Urb Marbella, Panama & SWIFT SOGEPAPAXXX : SWIFT |
Philippines | 777 Paseo De Roxas 1226 Makati City Manila & 6328948841 : |
Russia | SKT : consumer credit Les Echos |
Russia | Promek Bank : Cercle Finance |
Slovakia | : crédit à la consommation Les Echos |
Tunisia | Union Internationale de Banques (52%) : Boursier.com |
Vietnam | SEABank (15%) : Production, Les Echos |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2008Bouton, Daniel |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 0,35 million Eu€; Les Echos |
2006Bouton, Daniel |  Chairman; salary: 1,25 million Eu€; stock-options: 7,42 million Eu€; Capital |
2005Bouton, Daniel |  Chief Executive Officer; stock-options: 8,12 million Eu€; L'Expansion |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2009 | -126 | Merger/Acquisition: FranceLes Echos | |
2002 | -180 | | Management Alimentaire |
2001 | -67 | | Management Alimentaire |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : description |
2008 | France : The experts of the fight against the frauds of the general Company have belonged for several months of curious anomalies aiming at a galaxy to accounts where passed from the hundreds of million euros, whose origin seems to them quite doubtful. Suspicions make fear the existence of a méga boiler of money salts through their bank. The sums were invested in innumerable real programs in France: towers with Defense in shopping centres while passing by office buildings and other projects of great width. The whole of these investments seemed to be initiated by a powerful group, controlled by brothers billionaires based in London investing in the stone of report/ratio in many countries. Discrete but richissimes, at the point to appear in the classifications of the richest personalities of Great Britain, these brothers made fortune in aluminium in Russia at the time when the battle for the raw materials created clans within the Russian oligarchs. These businessmen, which resorts to the services of the largest law firms of London, Geneva and Paris, were never condemned in justice, but their frequentations make fear the worst with the owners of the general Company. Because the funds forwarding on the 900 bank accounts did not follow a very clear course. The money arrived from Luxembourg after having passed to the Netherlands, in the name of companies of which having them right remain mysterious. The perfect course to bleach money... Another concern of the bankers of the "SocGen": the 900 accounts, held by tens of real civil companies (SCI) seem to have been open in a great confusion, often thanks to procurations. In general, they were not the investors who presented themselves in the agencies, but men of straw. Whereas the banks have a duty of vigilance and precise knowledge their customers and their activities, process A seems it made it possible to organize a pretty smoke screen. It was necessary months before the bank does not detect the supposed fraud. Obviously, the assembly was well oiled. The companies seemed in rule and the legal documents were deposited with the trade register, like wants it the law. It was necessary that in 2006 a searching is carried out for another business by the central Management of the Criminal Investigation Department in the buildings of the one of the principal companies in question, in the XVI E district of Paris, so that the tax authorities are interested in these curious companies. For several weeks, information on this new business had started to filter in the banking mediums. | Le Télégramme |
2003 | France : Blanchiment d'argent sale en provenance de Chine: le directeur régional des agences Société Générale de l'est parisien mis en examen. | TF1 |
2001 | France : "Blanchiment aggravé" d'argent sale entre la France et Israël | Reuters |
1998 | France : Blanchiment aggravé: recyclage de 1,3 milliard de francs vers la Chine et Hong-Kong | Le Monde |
1993 | Taiwan : Rétro-commissions dans l'affaire des frégates vendues à Taïwan | Rapport parlementaire |
year | country : description source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
2008 |
| | 2 | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2008 |
| | 2,01 | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2008 |
The Banking Commission has issued a reprimand with a financial penalty of 4 million euros against the Societe Generale because of serious deficiencies in internal controls of the bank revealed by case Kerviel. The Commission stresses that these deficiencies constitute violations of banking regulations on control of risques.Elle reported serious and prolonged failure of the control systems of Societe Generale despite numerous warnings. It also notes that the limits of the traders was "inappropriate" for operational risks. "The failures reported, in particular the lack of hierarchical controls, have continued for a long period, namely the year 2007, without the internal control system has helped to identify and correct them." It adds that "the persistence reveals serious flaws in the system of internal controls beyond the simple repetition of individual failures" and that these deficiencies have made possible the development of fraud and serious financial consequences. " "The fact that these shortcomings were not known to management, and which could not remedy, may be invoked by the General Company for itself from its responsibility under the banking regulations (...) Society General has breached several key provisions of the law applicable in internal control ". |
| | | |   | | Reuters |
2007 |
| 22 | 0,95 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2006 |
| 22,42 | 5,22 | 421,8 |   | billion Eu€ | |
2006 |
Société Générale is charged with anti-competitive practices, fraudulent financial arrangements and of tax evasion in an investigation of the Department of Justice into the municipal bond market in the United States. |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2005 |
| 19,17 | 4,45 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2005 |
| | | 386 |   | billion Eu€ | |
2005 |
| | | | 0,563 | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2004 |
| 16,39 | 3,28 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2003 |
| 15,64 | 2,49 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2003 |
| | 2,49 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2003 |
Inculpé de blanchiment d'argent, d'extorsion de fonds, de trafic de stupéfiants et d'armes, de malversations, de fraudes sur le marché des changes, depuis plus de 20 ans, des millions de $ détournés, plus de 1000 victimes |
| | | |   | | Le Monde |
2002 |
| 14,57 | 1,4 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2002 |
Entente sur les taux du crédit immobilier: 250 millions de FF d'amende. |
| | | |   | | Le Canard Enchaîné |
2002 |
conflit d'intérêts: banque conseil, banque créancière et banque administratrice de Vivendi. |
| | | |   | | Le Canard Enchaîné |
2001 |
| 13,87 | 2,15 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 13,8 | 2,7 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2000 |
| | | | 2,392 | billion Eu€ | Actualinfo.com |
1999 |
| 11,41 | 1,98 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1998 |
| 28,55 | 1,02 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2009 | slogan: On est là pour vous aider.; | Les Echos |
2009 | slogan: On est là pour vous aider; | Les Echos |
2006 | Arguable partnership: value: protection de l'eau; | |
2004 | Arguable partnership: Don pour les victimes du tsunami en Asie: 1 000 000 d'euros: value: Humanitaire; | Les Echos |
2000 | slogan: Nous allons vous redonner envie de nous parler.; | |
1998 | slogan: Conjuguons nos talents; | |