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Companies from Hong-Kong

Foreign companies established in this country.

Offshore finance

Economy, tax incentives & labor conditions

Hong-Kong is the only developed country without legislation over the weekly duration of work. Some 60 hours working weeks are frequent.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 27/11/2008 , Hong Kong Business Lobbies Against Workers' Rights in China )

A blue-collar worker earns on average 1178 euros gross per month in Hong-Kong.
(L'Expansion , France , 01/10/2008 )

The right to strike is limited in practice by clauses in many employment contracts stipulating that absence from work may lead to dismissal. Employers generally refuse to recognise unions. Less than one per cent of workers are covered by collective agreements, and those that exist are not legally binding. Without legal protection to guarantee these rights workers are subject to the arbitrary and unilateral actions of employers, and as a consequence are denied job and income security.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 01/12/2007 , Annual Survey of violations of trade union rights )

27% of Hong-Kong's outward FDI in 2004 was accounted for by FDI that is directed to non-operating companies in offshore financial centres (mainly British Virgin Islands).
(UNCTAD , 01/02/2006 , World investment report )

500 000 shell companies are registered in Hong-Kong.
(Livre , 01/01/2004 , Les milliards noirs du blanchiment )

Main violations of the human rights and dirty money laundering
(year and company name)

2006 HSBC Holdings (Hong-Kong & Shangai Banking Corp)

Main labor right violations
(year, company name and norm number)

2006 Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd 87

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