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Q - Qc | Qd - Qf | Qg - Qj | Qk - Qm | Qn - Qp | Qq - Qu | Qv - Qz >
QS Group plc
Quaker Fabric Corp. Influence 1
Quaker Oats Co. Labor 3 Jobs -2% /1998 Pollution 7 Offshore 20 Sales 39 Bn $.€ /year Profit 35 Bn $.€ /1998 Wage 1405 *min. Influence 10 Infocom 2
Qualcomm Jobs -9% /1998 Fraud 1 Sales 4 Bn $.€ /year Profit 1 Bn $.€ /1998 Wage 2707 *min. Influence 1
Quali Investment Co Ltd Offshore 1
Qualitas Médica
Quandt, Johanna
Quanta Sales 3 Bn $.€ /year
Quantum Corp. Jobs -56% /1998 Offshore 6 Sales 4 Bn $.€ /year Wage 211 *min. Infocom 1
Quantum Fund
Quantum Optical Laboratories
Quarrechim Pollution 1
Quatre Murs
Quebecor Inc. Labor 2
Quebrada de Ullum Jobs -9% /1998 Fraud 1 Offshore 9 Sales 8 Bn $.€ /year Wage 194 *min.
Queen Beatrix
Queen Elizabeth II
Queensland Gas Offshore 1 Sales 4 Bn $.€ /year Influence 2
Quéguiner (famille)
Queirel, Joël
Quek Leng Chan
Questar Corp Sales 1 Bn $.€ /year Wage 78 *min.
Quexco Inc
Quick Fraud 1 Profit 3 Bn $.€ /1998 Infocom 2
Quiksilver Inc Labor 1 Offshore 4 Sales 2 Bn $.€ /year Wage 282 *min. Infocom 1
Quilter & Co
Quimica Suiza SA Offshore 1 Influence 1
Quimmco SA de CV
Quinn Sean
Quinsa (Quilmes Industrial) Jobs -3% /1998 Fraud 3 Offshore 1 Sales 22 Bn $.€ /year Profit 6 Bn $.€ /1998 Infocom 1
Quintiles Transnational Corp Sales 2 Bn $.€ /year
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