name  click to compare prices |
Acqua di Nepi, Aguas de Argentina, Aguas de Lanjaron, Aguas Minerales, Aïn Saïss, Alfabanque, Alhambra, Alma, Aqua (74%), Aqua d'Or (49%), AquaPenn, AquaPura, Aquarius, Aquaterra, Arcos Iris, Arvie , Athlon | Badoit , Bakoma, Bel Paese, Belin , Biovivre, Birtat, Blédina , Boario, Bolshevik, Bonafont, Boussois-Souchon-Neuvesel, Bright Dairy & Food (9,7%), Britannia, Britannia (50%), BSN | CAD, Casa Romagnoli, Certosa, Certosino, Château d'eau, Cheeselets, Chip Grill, Chok & Rolls, Cipster, Continental Biscuit, Crystal, Crystal Springs | Danao, Danette, Danito, Dannon , Danone , Danoninho, Dan'Up, Densia, Djurdjura (51%), Dong Beer | Euromarken Getranke, Evian  | Font Vella , Fonte Vivia, Fonzie, Future Cola | Galbi, Galletas Noel, Gallia, Gelax, Générale Biscuit, Glenisk (37%), Grand Barbier | Haomen Brewery, Hayet, Heudebert  | Jacob's Biscuit, Jacquemaire Santé | Knjaz Miloš | Labrador, Labrador Laurentiennes Inc, L'Alsacienne, Le Parfait, Les Deux Vaches Du Fermier Du Bio, Lodahlim, Lucia | McKesson Water Products, Meren'Dan, Mis, Mont Dore, Mont Roucous | Natia, Naturo, Naya, Newco, Nursie | Oro Ciok, Oro Saiwa | Papadopoulos, Patrimoine des Eaux du Québec, Phosphatine, Prince | Ritz Saiwa, Robust, Rosée de la Reine | Saiwa, Salvetat , San Miguel (30%), Santagata, Shape, Shenzhen Health Drinks, Sources du Mont Dore, Sparkletts, Sparkling Spring Water, Stenval, Stonyfield Farm (80%) | Taillefine, Tikvesli, Tornado, Tuc, Twiglets | UltraPura (50%), Utomo | V Energy, Vegelac, Verdôme, Villa Alpina, Villa del Sur , Villavicencio, Vitalinea, VMC, Volvic  | Wahaha | Yakult Danone India (50%), Yogoloso |
» Shop local, ethical and at the best price on Ethishop  |
shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2006 | Danone is the world's third-largest manufacturer of dairy products. | Les Echos |
2005 | Danone sells 30% of the bottled mineral water drunk in France. | Libération |
2004 | Danone sells 27,9% of the bottled mineral water drung in France. | Les Echos |
2004 | Danone leads the fresh-products market in China. | |
2004 | Danone sells 7% of the yogurts eaten in China | |
2004 | Controls 8% of the Biscuit market in China | |
2000 | Controls 13% of the mineral water market in France | Capital |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
South Africa | Danone Clover : Production, produits laitiers Les Echos |
Algeria | Algérois : Production, usine de biscuits Capital |
Algeria | Djurdjura (95%) : Les Echos |
Algeria | Tessala : Production, Eau de source Les Echos |
Bangladesh | Grameen Danone Foods (J-V) : Production, Les Echos |
China | Bright Dairy & Food (20%) : |
China | Shenzhen Health drinks (60%) : |
China | Shanghai Danone Biscuit (60%) : |
Egypt | JV avec le Groupe Rachid (51%) : LU Les Echos |
India | Yakult Danone India (50%) : Reuters |
India | Yakult Danone India (JV) : Les Echos |
Morocco | Sotherma (Société de Thermalisme Marocain) 30% : |
Nigeria | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Thailand | Danone Dairy Thailand : Production, Les Echos |
Tunisia | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2008Riboud, Antoine |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 1,05 million Eu€; stock-options: 3,23 million Eu€; Les Echos |
2008Riboud, Franck |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 1,05 million Eu€; stock-options: 3,01 million Eu€; expenses: 3,23 million Eu€; Les Echos |
2007Riboud, Franck |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 0,99 million Eu€; stock-options: 3,01 million Eu€; Les Echos |
2006Riboud, Antoine |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 2,6 million Eu€; stock-options: 4,65 million Eu€; Capital |
2005Riboud, Antoine |  Chief Executive Officer; stock-options: 7,08 million Eu€; L'Expansion |
1996Riboud, Franck |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 5 million FF; Management |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2005 | United States of America brand: Dannon : 4000 gallons of a caustic cleaning solution was released in the Miami & Erie Canal by the Dannon Co. Factory n Ohio. 8000 fishes killed. | Dayton Daily News |
2002 | France : Production, purchase or sale of genetically modified organisms which may cause an irreversible genetic pollution, a destruction of the biodiversity and health risks for the consumers. | 60 millions de consommateurs |
2002 | France brand: Belin : Production, purchase or sale of genetically modified organisms which may cause an irreversible genetic pollution, a destruction of the biodiversity and health risks for the consumers. | 60 millions de consommateurs |
1999 | : Cause la mort de 1,5 millions enfants chaque année | Unicef |
year | country : consequences source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2008 |
| 15,22 | 1,31 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2007 |
| 12,8 | 1,18 | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2006 |
| 11,67 | 1,4 | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2006 |
| | | | 0,011 | billion Eu€ | Cercle Finance |
2005 |
| 13,02 | 1,46 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2005 |
| | | | 0,05 | billion Eu€ | Cercle Finance |
2005 |
| | | | 0,022 | billion Eu€ | Cercle Finance |
2004 |
| 13,7 | 0,32 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2004 |
Une amende de la Commission européenne de 1,5 millions d'euros pour entente illégale sur le marché de la bière |
| | | |   | | Les Barons Marqués |
2003 |
| 13,1 | 0,84 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2002 |
| 14,24 | 1,35 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| | | | 1,275 | billion Eu€ | Boursorama |
2001 |
price fixing cartel on the Belgian market: non-aggression pact, limitation of advertising and investing, allocation of customers, price-fixing in the retail sector, a tariff structure in the horeca and the retail sector… |
| | | |   | | AFX |
2001 |
| 12,9 | 0,12 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| | | | 1,19 | billion Eu€ | La Tribune |
2000 |
| 14,29 | 0,72 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 13,38 | 0,68 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1999 |
| | | | 11 | billion FF | Les Echos |
1998 |
| 12,94 | 0,6 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1996 |
| 83,94 | 3,38 | |   | billion FF | |
1984 |
Condamné pour des accords de partage du marché visant à maintenir un statu quo et à instaurer un équilibre sur le marché. |
| | | |   | | Les Barons Marqués |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | donator | country | amount | source |
2001 | Conseil Régional | France | 4 million FF | Les Echos |
year | donator | country | amount | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2005 | Deceptive advertising: The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) filed a lawsuit against Kraft, General Mills and dannon in a “deceptive” multimillion-dollar advertising campaign that claims milk can facilitate weight loss. Indeed, a recent study by scientists from Purdue University concluded that increased consumption of dairy calcium was not associated with reduced weight and fat mass.: | Novis |
2005 | Arguable partnership: Au Maroc, le programme « Sourire pour l’avenir » entend expliquer aux enfants « qu’un esprit sain ne va pas sans un corps sain ». En partenariat avec le ministère de l'Education nationale, 800 000 élèves bénéficieront de cours de nutrition, leurs professeurs étant formés pour l'occasion par Danone. Les cours seront accompagnés d’une distribution de petits déjeuners, offerts par le groupe français. Danone est une « entreprise citoyenne », explique la direction de l'entreprise.: value: Santé; | L'Economiste |
2004 | value: Volcans, nature; slogan: Volvic: Un volcan s'éteint, un être s'éveille; | |
2003 | value: Danone sinisé: "atteindre de bonnes capacités"; | Les Echos |
2002 | Arguable partnership: Secours populaire: | CB-News |
2001 | ad budget: 683 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | ad budget: 599 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1999 | value: Vie, Jeunesse; slogan: Evian déclarée source de jeunesse pour votre corps.; | |
1999 | slogan: Après le votre, probablement l'un des meilleurs laits.; | |
1999 | ad budget: 664 million Eu€; | |
1999 | slogan: Danone, davat dobré pro vase dobro.; | |
1998 | ad budget: 1360 million FF; | Secodip |
1998 | slogan: Nouveau Velouté. Plus riche en fruits.; | |
1998 | slogan: Une autre façon de croquer les céréales.; | |
1998 | ad budget: 589 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1998 | ad budget: 593 million Eu€; | |
1998 | slogan: Profitez d'un moment de pur soleil.; | |
1997 | ad budget: 603 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1997 | slogan: On ne devrait pas se passer de Velouté.; | |
1996 | ad budget: 294 million US$; | Advertising Age |