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� Ethical � rating of SHELL , group and subsidiaries

Human 5 Jobs -10% /1998 Pollution 15 Fraud 11 Offshore 5 Sales 458 Bn $.€ /year Profit 228 Bn $.€ /1998 Wage 1344 *min. Influence 14 Infocom 4
[click on the rating for the method or on the number for the data]

2006Shell operates 2200 gas stations in Germany, 1000 in France.Risal
2006Shell has 18% of the refining capacities of France, 17,3 out of 97.5 million tons per annum.Les Echos
2004Second-largest oil company in the world, has 2000 subsidiaries in 143 countries. Shell has 25 million customers a day.AFP
address & contact : production type
incentive source
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Rub Al-Khali (40%) : p�trole
Argentina Argentina
: un r�seau de distribution
 Le Revenu
Argentina Argentina
: un r�seau de stations-service
 Le Revenu
Argentina Argentina
: une raffinerie
 Le Revenu
China China
(45%) : pipeline Xinjiang-Shanghai
 Les Echos
China China
Huizhou, Guangdong (50%) :
 Les Echos
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Shell Markets (Middle East) Limited, P.O.Box : 307 Dubai & 04-816757 :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Shell Services Arabia FZE, P.O.Box : 17433 Jebel Ali :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Shell Trading (M.E) Private Limited, P.O.Box : 16968 Jebel Ali & 04-836868 :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands
 Les Echos
India India
: IT
 BBC News
Iran Iran
Soroosh :
 Les Echos
Iran Iran
Naft Sazeh Qeshm : offshore
 Les Echos
Iran Iran
Nonwwrooz :
 Les Echos
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Kashagan oil field, oil reserves of 13 billion barrels (20,37%) : oil
 New York Times
Libya Libya
Droits d'exploration gazi�re dans cinq blocs (20000 km2) :
 Les Echos
Libya Libya
R�novation de l'usine de GNL de Marsa Al-Brega. :
 Les Echos
Lithuania Lithuania
Kaunas free economic zone :
Malaysia Malaysia
: Production, extraction de gaz
 Les Echos
Malaysia Malaysia
: IT
 BBC News
Nigeria Nigeria
Odidi, delta du Niger: Egwa-I, Egwa-II, Batan et Odidi-I : p�trole
Nigeria Nigeria
Bonny Island (25,6%) : LPG
 Le Figaro
Nigeria Nigeria
Soku oilfield :
 BBC News
Oman Oman
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s) Les Echos
Qatar Qatar
Production et transformation : Gaz naturel
 Les Echos
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Mer du Nord, projet Ormen Lange, gazoduc, 17% :
 Les Echos
Russia Russia
Salym, Sib�rie :
Turkey Turkey
 US Government Country Business Profile

year name
photo position; compensation
2008Van Veer, Joeren
See the photo of: Van Veer, Joeren Chief Operating Officer; salary: 10,32 million Eu�;
Les Echos
2007Van Veer, Joeren
See the photo of: Van Veer, Joeren Chief Executive Officer; salary: 9,4 million Eu�;
Les Echos
2006Van Veer, Joeren
See the photo of: Van Veer, Joeren Chief Executive Officer; salary: 3,9 million Eu�;
Les Echos
2004Van der Veer, Jeroen
See the photo of: Van der Veer, Jeroen Chairman of the Executive committee;
2001Watts, Phil
See the photo of: Watts, Phil Chairman of the Executive committee;
2000Loudon, Aarnout A
See the photo of: Loudon, Aarnout A Director;
1999Moody-Stuart, Mark
See the photo of: Moody-Stuart, Mark Chief Executive Officer;
social impact : country
Internal restructuring:
Relocation: Shell cuts a third of its jobs in France. Shell sells 70% of its gas stations in France. Shell closes its research centre of Petit-Couronn, into Normandy, and divides its activity in India, in the Netherlands, in Germany and England. Shell delocalizes its customer service in South Africa and transfers its legal activities and human resources in Poland.: France
Les Echos
Outsourcing: Shell outsources its global computer services to EDS, T-Systems and AT&T.:
BBC News
Internal restructuring:
The Guardian
The Guardian
country : consequences
2009 : SHELL noted 22 fatal accidents between 2001 and 2006, according to the lawyer for the plaintiff victims of the explosion of the AZF plant.Les Echos
2008Nigeria : Six employees were killed by the explosion of a pipeline they were trying to repair in the south of the country.Les Echos
2006Nigeria : Up to 1.5 million tons of oil, 50 times the pollution unleashed in the Exxon Valdez tanker disaster, has been spilt in the ecologically precious Niger Delta over the past 50 years, it was revealed yesterday. As well as threatening rare species including primates, fish, turtles and birds, the pollution is destroying the livelihoods of many of the 20 million people living there, damaging crops and fuelling the upsurge in violence, it was claimed. The report, compiled by WWF UK, the World Conservation Union and representatives from the federal ministry of Abuja and the Nigeria Conservation Foundation, concluded that the delta was now one of the five most polluted spots on the planet.The Independent
2006United States of America : The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reached a $1.5 million settlement with BP and Shell for alleged violations of the motor vehicle fuels provisions of the federal Clean Air Act. EPA sets gasoline and diesel fuel standards under the Clean Air Act to reduce air pollutants such as smog, carbon monoxide and air toxics from motor vehicles. According to the complaint by the agency, the companies produced and distributed gasoline that failed to meet the regulatory requirements. Use of noncomplying fuel in motor vehicles can cause an increase in emissions that can significantly harm public health. The settlements resolve alleged violations of various fuel standards that occurred from 1999 through 2004 at retail outlets, terminals and refineries located throughout the United States.CorpWatch
2006Nigeria : Condamn� par la Haute Cour de Port Harcourt (Nigeria) � payer 1,5 milliard de $US aux communaut�s du delta du Niger en compensation des d�g�ts sur l'environnement caus�s par ses activit�s d'extraction p�troli�re.Les Echos
2005 : Entre 1950 et 1977, Shell a produit le DBCP, pesticide utilis� pour traiter les bananes. Le DBCP a rendu st�rile la plupart des employ�s ayant travaill� dans les usines o� il �tait fabriqu�. La pollution se poursuit: en 1979, plus de 950 000 Californiens consommaient une eau dont le taux DBCP �tait consid�r� comme dangereux.R�seau Voltaire
2005 : Depuis 1945, Shell produit les "drines", des pesticides � partir des d�chets de la fabrication du caoutchouc synth�tique, hautement toxiques pour l'homme.Leur vente est interdite en Europe et en Am�rique du Nord depuis les ann�es 70, encore autoris� dans le reste du monde.R�seau Voltaire
2005Honduras : According to a new lawsuit brought by over 600 Honduran banana workers, filed on 14 April in a Los Angeles federal court, the company knowingly used and distributed the pesticide 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) which has resulted in widespread cases of sterility, testicular atrophy, miscarriages and other serious health complaints. The DBCP was banned by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 1979.Ethical Corporation
2004Nicaragua : Condamn� � payer, avec 2 autres entreprises, 82,9 millions de $US � 80 travailleurs nicaraguayens employ�s dans des bananeraies.AFP
2002Nicaragua : With two other companies, ordered to pay $490 million to 583 banana workers allegedly affected by the use of the pesticide Nemagon in the banana fields of western Nicaragua.AP
2002United States of America : Contaminated groundwater in at least 35 states with the toxic gasoline additive MTBE, secret companies studies showed the industry knew that MTBE contaminated ground water virtually everywhere it was usedAlternet
2001Brazil : 156 people contaminated by toxic chemical in the neighbourhood of ShellGreenpeace
2000 : 4000 tonnes de styr�ne, 1000 tonnes de methyl-trichlorosilane, 1000 tonnes d'alcool isopropyliqueAFP
1997 : Agreed to pay $41,5 million in an out-of court settlement following a joint action lawsuit brought by banana workers in Central America and the Philippines.Ethical Corporation
1995Nigeria : Delta du nigerStock
country : description
2009Nigeria : The Royal Dutch Shell company and its Nigerian subsidiary settled a suit brought in a Manhattan court. The suit charged the company with complicity in the 1995 execution by a Nigerian military regime of nine activists who had been protesting Shell practices on behalf of the Ogoni people of the Niger Delta. Shell has agreed to pay $15.5 million to Saro-Wiwa�s son and other relatives of the executed activists.Boston Globe
2004Le s�nat nig�rian lui a ordonn� de payer 1,5 milliard de dollars � la communaut� Ijaw du delta du Niger pour compenser son � l'impact nocif �. Shell a refus�.
1995Nigeria : Pendaison de 8 �cologistes et paysans Ogonis par la dictature Abacha pour s'�tre oppos� � l'exploitation p�troli�re dans le delta du NigerStock
1995Nigeria : D�placement de populationStock
1992Myanmar : Quarante mille villageois birmans ont �t� forc� � travailler sur le gisement de gaz d�Apyauk. Le chantier a �t� stopp� suite � la diffusion d�un reportage britannique.R�seau Voltaire

  • Subsidy

yearfinancial misdemeanorsalesincome buybacksource
2008   458,3   billion US$Les Echos
2008 Chevron, Total, Esso and Shell were fined 41.1 million euros for cartel in a tender for the supply of aircraft of Air France to Reunion.    
2008 The European Commission has fined a total of 676 million euros nine energy found guilty of having heard for 13 years on prices and market share of paraffin waxes. Paraffin waxes is used in a wide variety of products such as coating of waxy cheese, candles, tires, automotive components, adhesives and chewing gum. The cartel operated from 1992 to 2005 before being denounced by one of its participants, the Anglo-Dutch group Shell which has thus escaped a 96 million euros fine. Were condemned the South African group Sasol, the french Total (128 million), the U.S. ExxonMobil (83.5 million), the German Hansen & Rosenthal, Tudapetrol and RWE, the Italian Eni, the Spanish Repsol and the Hungarian MOL.    
2007   31,3   billion US$
2006   25,4   billion US$Les Echos
2006   25,44   billion US$
2006 SHELL is fined 160,9 million euros by the European Union for fixing the prices of ingredients in rubber used in tires and shoes, from at least 1996 to 2002.     Bloomberg
2006     Le Moniteur
2006   0,9million shares
2006   0,25million shares
2006   1,3million shares
2006   1million shares
2006   0,95million shares
2005   25,3   billion US$Les Echos
2005   22,94   billion Eu�AFP
2005 Le fisc v�n�zu�lien r�clame 1,55 milliard d'euros aux soci�t�s p�troli�res �trang�res pr�sentes au Venezuela qu'il accuse d'�vasion fiscale dans le cadre de 32 contrats sign�s dans les ann�es 1990. Shell a �t� mis en demeure de verser 130 millions de dollars de retard d'imp�ts.     Les Echos
2005   1,8million sharesCercle Finance
2005   1,1million sharesCercle Finance
2005 La Commodity Futures Trading Commission l'accuse d'avoir communiqu� entre 2000 et 2002 des informations fausses pour manipuler les cours de gaz naturel     Les Echos
2004   18,5   billion US$Les Echos
2004   18,5   billion Eu�Les Echos
2004     Lib�ration
2004 Shell paie 120 millions de dollars � la SEC et 30 millions de dollars � la FSA pour ses fraudes comptables et surestimations de r�serves     Les Barons Marqu�s
2004   2billion US$The Guardian
2003   12,5   billion US$Les Echos
2003 Price-fixing petrol in the Swedish market: fined 6 million $.     BBC News
2002   9,7   billion US$Les Echos
2002   179,439,42   billion US$
2002 Price-fixing of bitumen chemicals.     Financial Times
2001 Intentionally withheld supplies of gasoline from the market as a tactic to drive up prices. (US Federal Trade Commission)     Public Citizen
2001   135,2110,85   billion US$
2000 Accused of winning the bid for Nigerian block OPL245 by insider knowledge of the block huge oil reserve.     Forbes
2000 Entente sur le prix de l'essence sur les autoroutes fran�aises: amende de 5 millions d'euros     AP
2000   191,513,1   billion US$
1999   105,375,15   billion US$
1998   93,690,35   billion US$
yearfinancial misdemeanorsalesincomeassetsbuybacksource
 37 informations, access to subscribers
purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution
2001Access to foreign market (through MAI, WTO, GATS), prevent binding environmental regulations : USCIB (US Council For International Business) : : US Government translateUSCIB
2000license for oil exploration and extraction : Accusation de corruption par Malabu Oil & Gas pour la license OPL 245 : : Gouvernement Nigeria translateForbes
2000Investment protection and market access (to Mexico and Canada through NAFTA), to Latin America (through FTAA). : Business Roundtable : : US government, senate, congress translateCenter for Responsive Politics
2000Market access (through WTO), cheaper energy (through energy liberalization in Europe); uniform rules to enable the patenting of plants and animals (through TRIPS); prevent advert legislation on chemicals, self-regulation instead; : CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) : : European Commission translateCorporate Europe Observatory
2000market-based "solutions" to climate change: nuclear energy, pollution emission trading permit. : CEPS (The Centre for European Policy Studies) - Climate Change : : European Commission translateCorporate Europe Observatory
2000Prevent binding environmental regulations (environmental protection through economic growth, self-regulation and free trade) : WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) : : United Nations translateCorporate Europe Observatory
1999Access to public services (privatization through GATS) : ERT (European Roundtable of Industrialists) : : European Commission translateCorporate Europe Observatory
1999Market access and investment protection (through WTO, GATS), avoid social and environmental rules : ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) : : WTO, GATS translateCorporate Europe Observatory
1998Prevent the kyoto agreement on the redution of greenhouse gases emissions : Global Climate Coalition : : US government, senate, congress translateInterpress Service
1998Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 114 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translateCenter for Responsive Politics
1997Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 114 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translateCenter for Responsive Politics
1997Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 2941 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translateCenter for Responsive Politics
purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution
 12 informations, access to subscribers
dubious practice : image
2007Deceptive advertising: The British government's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled that an advertisement by Royal Dutch Shell promoting its waste recycling breaks rules with regards to "truthfulness" and "environmental claims." The print ad claimed that Shell has "creative ways to recycle. We use our waste CO2 [carbon dioxide] to grow flowers, and our waste sulphur to make super-strong concrete." The environmental group Friends of the Earth challenged the ad's claims, lodging a complaint with the British government. The ASA agreed that, "in the absence of qualification, most readers were likely to interpret the claim 'We use our waste CO2 to grow flowers' ... to mean that Shell used all, or at least the majority, of their waste CO2 to grow flowers, whereas the actual amount was a very small proportion." Shell defended its ad as "a creative and striking way of drawing attention to the problem of waste disposal." The ad ran "last spring in newspapers in Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany," reports Associated Press. "The Dutch advertising watchdog also called the ad misleading, but complaints were dismissed by regulators in Belgium and Germany.": Reuters
2005Arguable partnership: Sponsorise un programme de discussions de l�actualit� sur la cha�ne info Euronews.: value: Libert� de l'information; Acrimed
2000Disinformation: PR campaign with Schlickenrieder, Hakluyt & Company Ltd: ad budget: 0 million US$; public relations: SPR Watch
2000Arguable partnership: Global Compact with the United Nations: value: Respects human, social and environmental laws; ONU
1997slogan: Where cars are a passion, the fuel is Shell.;
1997slogan: Everything for your motor.;
1996slogan: Formula Shell, adrenaline for your engine.;
1995slogan: Shell, ni�m tin cua ban.;
1995slogan: Feel the fuel.;
1994slogan: Shell, all the way.;
1993slogan: You can tell when it's Shell;
1984slogan: Huile Shell, la vitalit� des moteurs.;

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