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Nabisco Holdings Corp.

United States of America United States of America web stock : NA analytics


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Jobs -24% /1998 Pollution 3 Offshore 15 Sales 42 Bn $.€ /year Profit 26 Bn $.€ /1998 Wage 1033 *min. Influence 10 Infocom 7
[click on the rating for the method or on the number for the data]

Kraft Food IncUnited States of America80,6Les Echos
More shareholders of Nabisco Holdings Corp.
address & contact : production type
incentive source
Argentina Argentina
Productos Royal S.A :
Argentina Argentina
Productos Mayco S.A.I.C.I.F :
Argentina Argentina
Fleischmann Argentina S.A :
Argentina Argentina
Establecimiento Modelo Terrabusi S.A :
Bahamas Bahamas
Fulmer Corporation Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Bermuda Bermuda
Colophon Company Limited :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Brazil Brazil
Posto Apolo Ltda :
Brazil Brazil
Leite Gloria do Nordeste S.A :
Brazil Brazil
Companhia Produtos Pilar :
Brazil Brazil
Avare :
Brazil Brazil
Arrimo Fomento Comercial Ltda :
China China
Yili - Nabisco Biscuit & Food Co (51%) :
China China
Nabisco Food (Suzhou) Co. Ltd :
China China
Nabisco (China) Ltd :
China China
Beijing Nabisco Food Company Ltd :
Cyprus Cyprus
Joshua Partners & Co :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Cyprus Cyprus
Nabisco (Cyprus) Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Costa Rica Costa Rica
Produtos Alimenticios Royal S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Nabisco International M.E. :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Nabisco International M.E :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Ecuador Ecuador
Ecuador Ecuador
Gelatinas Ecuatorianas S.A :
Honduras Honduras
Landers Centro Americana Fabricantes de Molinos Marca "Corona" SA de CV :
Hong-Kong Hong-Kong
Nabisco Hong Kong Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Hong-Kong Hong-Kong
Nabisco Hong Kong Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
United States Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands
Nabisco, Inc. Foreign Sales Corporation :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
United States Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands
Nabisco, Inc. Foreign Sales Corporation :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Indonesia Indonesia
PT Nabisco Foods :
Ireland Ireland
Reyben Reinsurance Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Jamaica Jamaica
West Indies Yeast Company Ltd (72%) :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Jamaica Jamaica
West Indies Yeast Company Ltd (72%) :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Jamaica Jamaica
Nabisco (Jamaica) Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Liberia Liberia
20th Century Denmark Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Liberia Liberia
Nabisco Brands Holdings Denmark Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Liberia Liberia
Exhold Limited :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Liberia Liberia
Exhold Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Liberia Liberia
Nabisco Brands Holdings Denmark Ltd :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Mexico Mexico
Comercial Benut, S.A. de C.V :
Mexico Mexico
 Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora
Mexico Mexico
 Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora
Panama Panama
Nabisco Royal Panama, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Nabisco International, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Distribuidora Pan Americana, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Beech-Nut Life Savers (Panama) S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Distribuidora Pan Americana, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Beech-Nut Life Savers (Panama) S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Nabisco International, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Panama Panama
Nabisco Royal Panama, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Peru Peru
Nabisco Peru S.A :
Peru Peru
Cartera e Inversiones S.A :
Philippines Philippines
Nabisco Philippines, Inc :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
Nabisco Dominicana, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
Nabisco Dominicana, S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Russia Russia
A/O Nabisco :
Switzerland Switzerland
Nabisco Trading AG :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Switzerland Switzerland
Bisco Services SA :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Tunisia Tunisia
 US Government Country Business Profile
Uruguay Uruguay
Fleischmann Uruguaya S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Uruguay Uruguay
Fleischmann Uruguaya S.A :
Offshore finance, secret bank account, tax haven, shell companies or free zone(s)
Venezuela Venezuela
Compania Venezolana de Conservas C.A :

  • Environmental impact

  • Human impact

year name
photo position; compensation
1999Kilts, James M
See the photo of: Kilts, James M Chief Executive Officer;
1989Gerstner, Louis V Jr
See the photo of: Gerstner, Louis V Jr Chief Executive Officer;
social impact : country
social impact : country
 2 informations, access to subscribers

  • Subsidy

year  salesincome source
1998   8,40,07   billion US$
More financial data for Nabisco Holdings Corp.
Financial delinquency in 2007
yearfinancial misdemeanorsalesincomeassetsbuybacksource
 1 informations, access to subscribers
More financial data for Nabisco Holdings Corp.
Financial delinquency in 2007
purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution
2001Access to foreign market (through MAI, WTO, GATS), prevent binding environmental regulations : USCIB (US Council For International Business) : : US Government translateUSCIB
2000Investment protection and market access (to Mexico and Canada through NAFTA), to Latin America (through FTAA). : Business Roundtable : : US government, senate, congress translateCenter for Responsive Politics
1999Market access and investment protection (through WTO, GATS), avoid social and environmental rules : ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) : : WTO, GATS translateCorporate Europe Observatory
1998Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 122 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translateCenter for Responsive Politics
More influence from Nabisco Holdings Corp.
Influence in 2007
purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution
 4 informations, access to subscribers
More influence from Nabisco Holdings Corp.
Influence in 2007
dubious practice : image
1995slogan: 500 chips de puro chocolate.;
More ads and public relations campaign from Nabisco Holdings Corp.
Dubious practices in 2007

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