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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2008 | Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering is the world's third largest shipbuilder by sales. | Les Echos |
2006 | Daewoo is the world's second-largest shipbuilder by production value. | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Morocco | Nouaceur foreign industrial park : 1000000 t�l�viseurs/an Korea Times |
Morocco | Nouaceur foreign industrial park : 50000 Nubira, Lanos, Leganza/an Korea Times |
Mexico | PQE.IND.S.L.R.C. 83450 SONORA SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO & 61429 : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Mexico | COL. GONZALEZ ORTEGA 21600 BAJA CALIFORNIA MEXICALI & 805505 : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Mexico | QUERETARO MARQUES, EL LOS ARCOS 7 PARQUE IND. BERNARDO QUINTANA & 4 2111700 : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Romania | Mangalia : Production, chantier naval AFP |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | | | | source |
2006 |
Kim Woo-choong, the founder of the Daewoo group, was condemned by South Korean justice to ten years of prison and a fine of 22 billion dollars for fraud and embezzlement. Kim Woo-choong was shown to have illegally obtained the equivalent of ten billion dollars loans, to have diverted 20 billion dollars via offshore accounts and to have falsified the accounts of Daewoo of 40 billion dollars. |
| | | | | | Reuters |
2005 |
M. Kim fondateur de Daewoo est accus� d'avoir d�tourn� � son profit des millions de dollars pour d'avoir maquill� pour 41 milliards de dollars les coomptes du groupe. Apr�s 6 ans de cavale, M. Kim s'est rendu � la justice sud-cor�enne. |
| | | | | | L'Expansion |
2000 |
34 Daewoo Group executives and accountants indicted for their alleged involvement in operating a $20 billion slush fund |
| | | | | | CNN |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
2000 | : Collected slush funds through its subcontractors when it undertook the project for construction of Kangwon Casino in Chongson, Kangwon Province in 2000 : translate | Korea Herald |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | donator | country | amount | source |
2002 | Etat | France | 60 million Eu� | Le Canard Encha�n� |
year | donator | country | amount | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
1999 | slogan: Daewoo, quand on y r�fl�chit.; | |
1998 | ad budget: 232 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1997 | ad budget: 266 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1996 | ad budget: 298 million US$; | Advertising Age |