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Companies from Germany

Foreign companies established in this country.

Economy, tax incentives & labor conditions

1.9 million Germans work for less than 5 euros gross per hour.
(Arte , France , 05/12/2008 )

The average wage cost in the car industry is 27,6 euros per hour.
(Les Echos , France , 25/03/2006 )

Main violations of the human rights and dirty money laundering
(year and company name)

2001 Commerzbank AG
2001 Commerzbank AG
2001 Deutsche Bank AG
2001 Dresdner Bank AG
2001 WestLB

Main labor right violations
(year, company name and norm number)

2008 Siemens AG 87, 98
2007 Axel Springer Verlag AG 1
2007 TNT Post Groep 1

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