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RR Donnelley & Sons Co Jobs -1% /1998 Offshore 1 Sales 5 Bn $.€ /year Wage 127 *min. Influence 1
RSL Communications Offshore 1 Influence 1
RT Mart Taiwan Labor 1 Pollution 1 Fraud 1 Offshore 1 Influence 1 Infocom 5
RTL 9 Offshore 1
RTL Group Offshore 1 Influence 3
RTVE Jobs -32% /1998
Rubie's Costume Co. Offshore 1
Rubino (famille)
Rubis Sales 1 Bn $.€ /year
Rucanor NV
Ruder Finn
Rudus Asfaltti Oy Fraud 1
Rue du Commerce
Ruegg Bank AG Offshore 1
Ruggeri (famille)
Ruhrgas AG Labor 1 Offshore 6
Ruifeng Timber Labor 1
Rulquin Michel
Rupert (famille)
Rural International Bank Ltd Offshore 1
Rurban Financial Corp
Rusal UAO Human 1 Offshore 2
Rusia Petroleum
Russel Metals Inc. Sales 1 Bn $.€ /year
Russell Corp. Labor 1 Jobs -2% /1998 Fraud 1 Offshore 12 Sales 43 Bn $.€ /year Profit 13 Bn $.€ /1998 Wage 490 *min. Influence 3
Russian Commercial Bank Offshore 1
Russian Renaissance Investment Co Ltd Offshore 1
Rust Jobs -7% /1998 Fraud 2 Offshore 6 Sales 12 Bn $.€ /year Wage 165 *min. Influence 3 Infocom 1
Rustica SA
Rutenberg (famille)
Rutgers AG. Sales 3 Bn $.€ /year
Ruwel AG Jobs -8% /1998
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