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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2007 | Sony sells 6,2% of the digital reflec cameras bought in the world. | Capital |
2007 | Sony sells 1 console out of 7 bought in the United States. | Capital |
2006 | Sony is the world's biggest maker of video-game players. | Bloomberg |
2006 | Since 2002, Sony sells 250 millions games for PlayStation consoles per year. | Les Echos |
2006 | Sony sold 11,94 million walkman (DD, MD, CD) in 2005. | Les Echos |
2006 | Since their launch, Sony sold more than 200 million consoles Playstation 1 and 2 in the world. | Reuters |
2005 | Sony sells 2% of the digital audio players bought in the world. | Capital |
2005 | The world's second-largest consumer electronics maker. | Bloomberg |
2004 | Sony sells 6% of the Flat-panel TV bought in the world. | |
2004 | Sony sells 67% of the game consoles bought in the world. | AFP |
2004 | Sony sold 6,6% of the cellular netsystems installed in China. | Les Echos |
2004 | Sony sold 14 million digital cameras in 2004, 100 million PlayStation consoles since it was launched and 90 millions PS2 since autumn 2003. | |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
China | : baladeurs CD, MD, cassette et disque dur Les Echos |
Malaysia | : baladeurs CD, MD, cassette et disque dur Les Echos |
Mexico | 5 DE FEBRERO Y PERIFERICO OTE. 601 21000 BAJA CALIFORNIA MEXICALI : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Mexico | Maquiladora, Nuevo Laredo : AP |
Mexico | 5520 P.I. EL LAGO 22550 BAJA CALIFORNIA TIJUANA & 253216 : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Mexico | 9250 PQE.IND.TIJUANA 22300 BAJA CALIFORNIA TIJUANA & 278500 : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Panama | Sony Corp of Panama SA : |
Singapore | Sony International (Singapore) Ltd : |
Tunisia | : US Government Country Business Profile |
Uruguay | Zona franca de Montevideo : ZFM News |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2008 | -8000 | Internal restructuring: Sony cuts temporary jobs.: | Bloomberg |
2008 | -8000 | Internal restructuring: Sony cuts 5% of its workforce, closes 10% of its 57 plants worldwide.: | New York Times |
2008 | -320 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Sony closes its factory of Pontonx-on-Adour in the Landes, specialized in the manufacture of audio cassettes.: France | Les Echos |
2008 | | Closure/Bankruptcy: Sony closes its television sets factory in Ho Chi Minh-City (Vietnam) because of the fall of the customs duties which makes the local production less profitable.: Vietnam | Les Echos |
2006 | -200 | Relocation: Production de baladeurs � disque compact et minidisc transf�r�e du Japon vers la Chine et la Malaisie.: Japan | Les Echos |
2006 | -400 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Sony will close its television-tube factory in San Diego, eliminating about 400 jobs.: United States of America | AP |
2005 | -60 | Internal restructuring: Restructuration de son activit� commerciale en France, sans lien direct avec les 10.000 suppressions d'emplois dans le monde annonc�es en septembre.: France | Les Echos |
2005 | -10000 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Sony will cut workforce by 6,6% by March 2008 and shut 11 factories. Sony will cut about 4,000 jobs in Japan and 6,000 overseas, and reduce the number of factories worldwide to 54 from 65, without specifying which countries would be affected.: | Bloomberg |
2003 | -20000 | | Dow Jones online |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | | source |
2007 |
The European Commission (EC) has imposed a total of �74.8 million in fines on Sony, Fuji and Maxell for fixing the prices for professional videotapes sold to customers in Europe. Between 1999 and 2002, Sony, Fuji and Maxell managed to raise or otherwise control prices through a series of regular meetings and other illicit contacts. Sony was ordered to pay �47.2 million; Maxell was ordered to pay �14.4 million; Fuji was ordered to pay �13.2 million. Sony's fine was increased by 30% for obstructing the Commission's investigation during on-site inspections at its premises. Fuji's and Maxell's fines were reduced by 40% and 20% respectively because they co-operated with the investigation under the Commission's lenience policies. The cartel covered the two most popular professional videotape formats at the time: Betacam SP and Digital Betacam, which in 2001 totalled annual sales of some �115 million in the Europe. The Commission found that Sony, Fuji and Maxell, with a combined share of more than 85% of the professional video tape market, organised three successful rounds of price increases and endeavoured to stabilise prices whenever an increase was not possible. |
| | | | | | AP |
2006 |
The Council of competition fined Sony Computer Entertainment France 800 000 euros for imposing a unique price to all his distributors in France for the PlayStation 2 console (PS2), its games and accessories. |
| | | | | | Conseil de la concurrence |
2006 |
Sony's German offices were raided as part of a European Union probe into suspected price-fixing of SRAM chips. SRAM chips, unlike DRAM memory chips, retain the contents of their memory as long as power remains applied, and are also faster than DRAM chips. They are used for fast memory access, for example in the central processing units of computers. |
| | | | | | Reuters |
2005 |
Le Conseil de la concurrence sanctionne les fabricants Philips, Sony et Panasonic � hauteur de 34,4 millions d'euros pour avoir mis en place un syst�me de prix de d�tail minimum impos�s aupr�s de leurs distributeurs. Sony France est condamn� � une amende de 16 millions d'euros.
Le Conseil de la concurrence a consid�r� qu'il existait des indices graves, pr�cis et concordants d�montrant l'existence d'une entente entre les fabricants Philips, Sony et Panasonic et leurs distributeurs respectifs et a notamment retenu � cet �gard comme �l�ments probants :
* la communication de prix de d�tail � conseill�s � aux grossistes et aux d�taillants
* l'alignement constat� des prix de vente d'un certain nombre de produits chez l'ensemble des distributeurs des marques concern�es (une m�me r�f�rence de t�l�viseur par exemple �tant, � quelques exceptions pr�s, au m�me prix dans tous les magasins)
* l'existence de m�canismes de surveillance et de contr�le des prix de d�tail (rappels � l'ordre t�l�phoniques de la part des fabricants ou des grossistes pour � faire remonter les prix �, passage de repr�sentants r�gionaux de la marque dans les points de vente, menaces de cessation de livraison ou de r�duction des facilit�s financi�res octroy�es)
* l'existence - en ce qui concerne Philips et Sony - de contrats de coop�ration entre leurs revendeurs, procurant aux fabricants le contr�le de leur politique de publicit� et de leur politique de prix. |
| | | | | | Conseil de la concurrence |
2005 |
Les sites britanniques de vente par correspondance ont port� plainte contre Sony et plusieurs autres fabricants d'�quipement �lectronique pour pratiques anti-concurrentielles. Ils les accusent de pratiquer une double tarification: les supermarch�s "physiques", syst�matiquement plus chers que les sites internet et confront�s � une baisse de leurs ventes, auraient fait pression sur Sony pour obtenir que celui-ci vende plus cher aux sites internet. Selon les plaignants, Sony aurait accept� et se rendrait donc coupable de double tarification, une pratique anti-concurrentielle interdite car elle aboutit � une hausse des prix pour le consommateur final. |
| | | | | | The Scotsman |
2003 |
| 63,26 | 0,98 | | | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 57,12 | 0,12 | | | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 58,52 | 0,13 | | | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 63,08 | 1,15 | | | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 51,18 | 1,68 | | | billion US$ | |
1994 |
| 36,25 | 0,15 | | | billion US$ | |
1993 |
| 43,77 | 0,32 | | | billion US$ | |
1992 |
| 29,49 | 0,9 | | | billion US$ | |
1991 |
| 26,25 | 0,83 | | | billion US$ | |
1990 |
| 18,62 | 0,65 | | | billion US$ | |
1989 |
| 16,68 | 0,55 | | | billion US$ | |
1988 |
| 11,66 | 0,27 | | | billion US$ | |
1987 |
| 8,25 | 0,26 | | | billion US$ | |
1986 |
| 5,81 | 0,34 | | | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2006 | Deceptive advertising: Sony created a forged blog to praise the merits of its PSP console. The blog was called �alliwantforxmasisapsp� and was written by a certain �Charlie�, an amateur hip-hop artist, and its cousin �Pete�. Its goal: to speak about the portable console of Sony. It is a miniscandale which put it on the front of the scene. Indeed, this blog was can, supplied with an agency of communication paid by Sony.: | 01net.com |
2005 | Pour le lancement de la PSP, Sony a consacr� un budget de publicit� de 40 millions d'euros, l'�quivalent de 160.000 consoles.: | AFP |
2005 | Arguable partnership: Sony France offre des �quipements informatiques et multim�dia au futur mus�e du quai Branly, afin de mettre en valeur les dimensions interactives et p�dagogiques de la m�diath�que, du salon de lecture Jacques Kerchache et de l�espace multim�dia du site.: value: Culture; | CB-News |
2005 | Arguable partnership: Promesse d'un don pour les victimes du tsunami de 30 millions de yens: value: Humanitaire; | AFP |
2001 | ad budget: 1218 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | ad budget: 1281 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1998 | slogan: Un contr�le absolu par Sony.; | |
1998 | ad budget: 1338 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1997 | ad budget: 1214 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1996 | ad budget: 1185 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1995 | slogan: Sony video camera makes all the time.; | |
1994 | slogan: See life from a different perspective.; | |
1992 | slogan: Natural sound by Sony.; | |