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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2005 | Occidental Petroleum is the fourth-biggest U.S. oil company. | Bloomberg |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Bermuda | Occidental Petroleum of Qatar Ltd : |
Colombia | Amazonie : oil Rainforest Action Network |
Libya | : 9 concessions pétroliennes |
Yemen | Vintage Petroleum : 4000 barrels of oil/day Bloomberg |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2008Irani, Ray R |  Chief Executive Officer; attendance fee: 222,64 million US$; Les Echos |
2006Irani, Ray R |  Chief Executive Officer; stock-options: 321 million US$; AFP |
2005Irani, Ray R |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 49 million US$; stock-options: 37,6 million US$; Les Echos |
2003Chazen, Stephen |  Chief Financial Officer; salary: 6,57 million US$; stock-options: 0,58 million US$;
2001Irani, Ray R |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 8,9 million US$; stock-options: 1,7 million US$;
2001Laurance, Dale |  Chairman; salary: 5,5 million US$; stock-options: 0,16 million US$;
1998Irani, Ray R |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 104,52 million US$; Forbes |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2007 | Peru : Oxy dumped nine billion barrels of untreated “formation waters”, a by-product of the oil drilling process containing a variety of toxins and carcinogens, directly into the Achuar’s pristine tropical rainforest territories in Peru. Based on information gathered by a team of experts in May 2006 – including a doctor, nurse, lawyers, soil scientist, agronomist, environmental engineer, and chemist - the report found: *Oxy dumped an average of 850,000 barrels per day of toxic oil by-products directly into rivers and streams used by the Achuar for drinking, bathing, washing, and fishing. *Oxy used earthen pits, prohibited by U.S. standards, to store drilling fluids, crude oil, and crude by-products. These pits, dug directly into the ground, were open, unlined, and routinely overflowed onto the ground and into surface waters, leaching into the surrounding soil and groundwater. *Oxy violated several international rights norms – including several in the American Convention on Human Rights and the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights – in its actions on Achuar territory, including the right to life, the right to health, the right to a healthy environment, and indigenous people’s rights. *Oxy violated Peru’s General Water Law and General Health Law, as well as environmental statutes meant to be applied in the hydrocarbon sector. Oxy’s cost-cutting and deliberate use of substandard technology exposes it to civil demands from the Achuar, both in Peru and the United States. | Earthrights International |
2004 | Nicaragua : Incriminée dans l'intoxication de travailleurs dans des bananeraies nicaraguayennes | AFP |
1997 | : Agreed to pay $41,5 million in an out-of court settlement following a joint action lawsuit brought by banana workers in Central America and the Philippines. | Ethical Corporation |
1988 | Scotland : Fire and oil leak on the Plate-forme Piper Alpha | |
year | country : consequences source |
year | country : description |
2000 | Colombia : Desplazados a la fuerza de campesinos, Zona de Reserva Petrolera Gibraltar 1 | Inside Indiana Business |
2000 | Colombia : Accion de desalojo de la policia y el ejercito colombiano para Oxy contra la comunidad U´wa con resultado de 3 muertes | COSAL Asturies |
year | country : description source |
year |   | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2003 |
| 9,33 | 1,53 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 7,34 | 0,99 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 13,99 | 1,15 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 13,57 | 1,57 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 6,6 | 0,36 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
2000 | Investment protection and market access (to Mexico and Canada through NAFTA), to Latin America (through FTAA). : Business Roundtable : : US government, senate, congress translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1999 | Market access and investment protection (through WTO, GATS), avoid social and environmental rules : ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) : : WTO, GATS translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1998 | Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 161 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 175 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 2260 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |