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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2008 | Lafarge is the largest concrete producer in India with a 25% market share. | Les Echos |
2007 | World's largest cement maker with with 152 million tons sold. | Les Echos |
2004 | Lafarge is the world's largest maker of building materials.World's largest cement maker. | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
China | Dujiangyan, Sichuan : cimenterie |
China | Chengdu : Les Echos |
China | Shanghai : Les Echos |
South Korea | Tong Yang Cement Corporation Ltd, Co (50%) : 11 millions de t/an Batiactu |
South Korea | Singi : clinker, 1,55 millions de t/an Batiactu |
Egypt | Orascom Cement : Production, cement, concrete, building materials Les Echos |
India | Sonadih : Production, 3 millions de tonnes de ciment/an |
India | Etat de l'Himachal : Production, cimenterie Les Echos |
India | Tata Cement, Madhya Pradesh et Bihar : Les Echos |
India | Calcutta : Les Echos |
Japan | Aso Cement (39,4%), Fukuoka : Les Echos |
Japan | Lafarge Braas Roofing Japan, Osaka : Les Echos |
Japan | Aso Cement (39,4%), Kyushu : Les Echos |
Morocco | Tetouan : 4 cimenteries Les Echos |
Uganda | : Production, ciment, marge d'exploitation de 30 � 35% L'Expansion |
Thailand | (50% JV with Siam Cement Plc) : gypse Batiactu |
Thailand | Lafarge Siam Roofing Co (50%), Rayond : tuiles d'argile, mat�riaux de couverture Batiactu |
Vietnam | : usine de plaques de pl�tre Les Echos |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2006Collomb, Bertrand |  Chief Executive Officer; stock-options: 1,45 million Eu�; L'Expansion |
2006Collomb, Bertrand |  Chairman of the Board; attendance fee: 1,3 million Eu�; Capital |
2006Collomb, Bertrand |  Chairman of the Board; salary: 0,88 million Eu�; stock-options: 7,83 million Eu�; Capital |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2006 | | ILO violation 87 : Woojin Industry, a sub-contract firm created by former LaFarge Halla middle managers which operates directly under the orders and control of LaFarge Halla, launched a campaign of intimidation against its 35 employees when it learned that more than two-thirds of them had joined the Korean Chemical and Textile Workers Federation (KCTF) in early March. On 9 March, two days after learning of the workers� action, La Farge Halla proposed a new set of plans for its ten sub-contract firms in its Okgye factory that proposed phasing out Woojin Industry. Former LaFarge Halla management employee Kim Eunsoo, the CEO of Woojin, reported the news to the workers the same day and in the first of many instances directly tied the unionisation of the employees to a future decision on whether Woojin would shut down. Woojin workers report that on 11 March, in a meeting with all the workers, Kim Eunsoo clearly stated that "If you abandon joining the union, I will not close down the company." When the KCTF met with Kim Eunsoo on 28 March to initiate collective bargaining, he refused to enter substantive negotiations because he stated the Woojin would close down on 31 March. Woojin ended operations on 1 April, and transferred its equipment and assets to two other sub-contract firms substantially controlled by LaFarge Halla.
On 25 September, the Gangwon Regional Labour Relations Commission ruled that LaFarge Halla is the real employer of the dismissed KCTF members � thereby decisively shredding the myth of Woojin�s independence from LaFarge � and ordered the reinstatement by LaFarge of all workers who had been employed for more than two years, and pay these workers for the period of time since they were terminated on 31 March. Since LaFarge Halla did not follow that Commission�s order, the KCTF requested on 16 October that the National Labour Relations Commission take action, and at the end of the year, that case was still pending. On 18 December, the Gangwon Regional LRC issued a second order, finding that LaFarge Halla had engaged in unfair labour practices, and had violated the TULRAA sections 84 and 86 by failing to implement the previous order to reinstate the fired workers.
The KCTF filed a complaint with the Korean National Contact Point (NCP), alleging that LaFarge Halla had violated numerous provisions of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The NCP�s response was highly unsatisfactory because it limited itself to disputing interpretations of the Guidelines, repeating allegations by management, and ultimately refusing to conduct any further investigation until the National Labour Relations Commission had issued a ruling.: South Korea | ITUC-CSI |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2006 | : For the production of cement, Lafarge emits 82 million tons of CO2 per year. | Les Echos |
2005 | Turkey brand: Lafarge Asland : Septembre 2004, le navire Ulla, a coul� aux larges des c�tes turques avec une cargaison de 2 200 tonnes de cendres toxiques � bord. Le bateau rouillait depuis f�vrier 2000 apr�s que l'Alg�rie ait refus� de d�barquer la cargaison. En 2001, l'Espagne avait inflig� � Lafarge Ashland une amende de 30 050 euros pour avoir transport�, � 18 reprises, le m�me type de d�chets sans autorisation. | Batiactu |
year | country : consequences source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | | source |
2007 |
| 17,61 | 1,91 | | | billion Eu� | Les Echos |
2006 |
| 16,91 | 1,37 | | | billion Eu� | Les Echos |
2006 |
Lafarge and Vicat made a cartel with the principal cement distributors in Corsica, with an aim of reserving the provisioning of the island and of blocking the imports of cement coming from Italy and Greece in particular. |
| | | | | | Les Echos |
2004 |
| 14,43 | 0,87 | | | billion Eu� | Le Point |
2003 |
Amende de 86 millions d'euros pour entente illicite sur le march� allemand depuis les ann�es 1970. |
| | | | | | AFP |
2002 |
Cartel covering the market for plasterboard and other gypsum-based materials: amende de 249,6 millions d'euros. |
| | | | | | AFP |
2002 |
| 14,61 | 0,75 | | | billion Eu� | |
2001 |
| 13,7 | 0,73 | | | billion Eu� | |
2000 |
| 12,22 | 0,61 | | | billion Eu� | |
1999 |
| 10,53 | 0,47 | | | billion Eu� | |
1996 |
| 35,26 | 1,85 | | | billion FF | |
1994 |
Cartel des cimentiers |
| | | | | | Fen�tre sur l'Europe |
1993 |
R�unions afin de se r�partir confraternellement les march�s et d'en fixer les tarifs. Fa�on d'�viter une comp�tition pr�judiciable � la r�alisation de b�n�fices convenables. � actions ponctuelles � destin�es � � �liminer des ind�pendants �: amendes. |
| | | | | | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2009 | slogan: Les mat�riaux au c�ur de la vie.; | Les Echos |
2002 | Arguable partnership: | Les Echos |
2002 | Arguable partnership: Fondation Nicolas Hulot (Ecole Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l'Homme, d�di�e � la d�couverte et � la pr�servation de la biodiversit�.): value: Protection de l'Homme et de la Nature; | Communiqu� de presse |
2000 | slogan: Les mat�riaux pour construire le monde; | |