name  click to compare prices |
3 Blind Moose Cellars | Adelaide Commercial, Albert Block, Alice White, Allberry, Almaden, Ambiente, Annabella Wines, Arbor Mist, Ariesse Champagne, Astoria Wines, Austin Nichols, AV Winery | Bankside Wine, Banrock Station, Barton, Batavia Wine, Bay of Fires Wines, Bear Cliff, Bedford, Belaire Creek, Bernstein, Berri, Bisceglia Brothers, Black Box, Black Velvet, Blackstone, Blackthorn cider, Blossom Hill, Bon Carafe, Bottini, Brae Burn Vinters, Braidenwood, Brickstone, Bristol Mountain, Brook Hollow, Buffalo Ridge Wine, Buronga Ridge, Burr Vineyards, BW Nomineeco | California Cellars, California Coast Winery, Caliterra, Canadian LTD, Canandaigua, Canandaigua, Canandaigua West, Carroll Vineyards, Casata, Cascade Ridge, Castlerock, Caves Du Domaine, Caymus Cellars, CB VineyardsChapel Hill, Chantree, Chapel View Wines, Chapelle Import, Charlemont, Charles Le Franc, Chase-Limogere, Chateau LaSalle, Chateau Luzerne, Chateau Martin, Chateau Reynella Wines, Chateau St. Cyr, Chateau St. Nicholas, Chi-Chi's cocktails, Classic Clare Wines, Clos du Bois, Cloud Peak, Club Import, Coastal Vintners, Colonel Lee, Columbia Wine, Constellation Brands, Cook's Champagne, Cooks’ Cellars, Corona Extra (license), Coronita (licence), Country Vintner, County Line, Covey Run, Cradlebrook Vineyards, Cresta Blanca, Cribari, Crystal Wine, Cuttings Wharf, Cypress Ranch | Deer Valley, Delicato, Diamond G, Dickerson Vineyard, Domaine Le Rue, Domaine Madeline, Domaine Vineyards, Dry Blackthorn, Duetto, Dunnewood Vineyards | Eagle Canyon, Eaton Dacks, Echo Falls Vineyards, Essex, Estancia, Estate Cellars, Excelsior Wine & Spirits | Famous Imported, Farallon, Finger Lakes Wine, Fleischmann's, Foolish Oak, Forsythe Vineyards, Four Emus, Fox River Wines, Franciscan Oakville Estate, Friars' Table, FV Reserve | Galleria Champagne, Gaymer's Olde English cider, Genesis, Geyser Peak, Glenmore, Global Wine, Gold Seal Vineyards, Goldfields, Gonzales & Company, Goundrey, Goundrey Windy, Goundrey Wines, Great Western, Greenbrier Vineyards, Groth Vineyards | H G Brown Wines, Hardy Wine, Hardys, Hardys Reynella, Hardys Tintara Cellar, Hardys Wines, Hartley Cellars, Hawthorne Mountain, Hayman & Hill, Hayman & Hill Wines, Heritage House Wine, Hertford Cellars, Heublein, Highland, Hiram Walker & Sons, Hogue, Horse Heaven Hills, Houghton, House of Stuart, HRM Rex-Goliath, Humphrey & Brown | I.V.C. Wineries, Inglenook - Napa Valley, Inglenook Champagne, Inniskillin, Inver House | J. A. Dougherty's Sons, J. Roget Champagne, Jackson-Triggs, Jacques Bonet, James Barclay, Jenn’s Cocktail, John McNaughton, John Westley | K Cider, Kajmir, Kelly's Revenge, Kempton Clark, Kentucky Gentleman, Kim Crawford, Kings Wine, Knapp Cellars, Kumala | L.P.H., La Cresta Winery, La Domaine, La Petite Wine, La Terre, Lake Island Champagne, Lake Roselle, Lakeside, Langton Wines, Las Flores, Latitudes Wine, Lauren Cellars, Lauriston Wines, Leasingham Wines, Lolonis, Longhorn, Lorikeet Wines | M.J. Lewis, Madallion, Madera Wineries, Maidenwood Vineyard, Manischewitz, Manischewitz Wine, Marcus James, Margo Vintners, Mario Vincelli Cellars, Marvino Wine, Masada Wine, Masson Vineyards, Maywood, McMaster, Medallion, Melody Hill, Mendocino Canyon, Mendocino Creek, Mendocino Ridge, Merchants, Michael’s, Millennium, Mission Bell, Modelo Especial (license), Moltepulciano, Monarch Wine, Monarch Wine, Mondoro, Monkey Bay, Monte Verde, Monterey Wine, Montezuma, Moselweinhaus Import, Motif Champagne, Mr. Boston, Mt. Veeder, Mystic Cliffs | Nap Val, Nathanson Creek, Navalle, Nectar Valley, Negra Modelo (licence), Netley Brook Wines, New York Cellars, No Wimpy, Nobilo, North Lake Wines | Oakmont, Okanagan Vineyards, Old Blue Springs, Old Cummins, Old Rabbinical, Olympic | Pacific Wine, Pacifico (licence), Pastene Wine, Paul Garrett, Paul Masson, Paul Masson Pinnacles, Paul Masson Sherry, Paul Thomas, PaulMasson Mountain, Peninsula, Pepe Lopez, Pepper Bridge, Phillips Wine, Pickle Canyon, Pikeman, Pinnacles, Pleasant Valley, Polynesian, Pontin Del Roza, Press Oak, PT Farms, PWP | Quintessa | R.H. Phillips, Rainer Wine, Ravenna, Ravenswood, Razz, Redwood Coast, Redwood Grove, Redwood Hills, Rex Goliath, Rex-Goliath, Rhine Castle Wines, Richards, Ricky Quinn's, Rock Creek, Round Hill, Royal Gate, Roza Estates, Ruby Crest, Ruffino, Rushcutters Bay, Rutherford Estate | Saint Regis, Salmon Harbor, San Marino Wine, Sante Vineyards, Satin Rose Wine, Satin Rose Wine, Sawtooth Winery, Schenley, Scoresby, Seventh Moon, Shadow Hill, Shewan Jones, Siegersdorf Wines, Silver Falls, Silver Oak, Simi, Skye's Hollow, Smashed Grape, Sonoma Vendange, Southern Golden, Spring Creek, St. Pauli Girl (licence), St. Regis, Ste. Chapelle, Stonewall Canyon, Stowells, Strathmore, Sunridge Winery, Symms | T and S Vineyards, T.J. Swann, Talus, Tantalus, Taste of the West, Taylor Wine, Ten High, The Gallery of Wine Arts, The Great Western, The Hogue Cellars, The Idaho, The Jibe Wine, The Kamberra Wine, The Magnificent Wine, The Monterey Vineyard, The Pleasant Valley Wine, The R.H. Phillips, The San Francisco Wine, The Seagram Wine, The Taylor Wine, Thurston Wolfe, Tiger Wine, Tintara Winery, Toasted Head, Trader Joe’s, Tree Press, Trove Wines, Tsingtao (licence), Turner Road, Turquoise Mountain, Turtle Cellars, Twin Fin, Twin Fin Wines | Ukiah Winery, Upper Bay Wine, Upper Bay Wine | Valencia Vineyards, Vendange, Vendange Wine, Veramonte, Veramonte Casablanca, Via Firenze, Victoria Block, Villa Caporicci, Vina Caliterra, Vincor, Vine City Wine, Vino Bambino, Vintners, Vivante Cellars | Walter Reynell, White Rock, Widmer Brickstone, Wigley Reach Vineyard, Wild Cat, Wild Horse, Wild Irish Rose, Wild Punch, Wilen Brothers, William & Churchill, William Scheffler, Willow Creek, Winebytes, Winedale, Winescapes, Woodbridge, Woolley Duval and Beaufoys | Yanqui Wine, Yarra Burn |
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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2005 | Constellation sells 16% of the alcohol beverages drunk in Australia. | Le Monde |
2004 | Constellation Brands sold 13 million cases of spirituous (9 liters) in the world in 2003, tenth-largest spirituous seller in the world. | |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
South Africa | Western Wines SA (Pty) Ltd (South Africa) : Production, |
Barbados | Vincor International IBC Inc : Production, |
Chile | Sociedad Vinicala Caballero De Chile Limitada : Production, |
Ireland | Allied Drink Distributors Limited : Production, |
Ireland | Constellation Brands Ireland Limited : Production, |
Luxembourg | Netherlands CB International Finance S.A.R.L : Production, |
Mexico | Barton Mexico, S.A. de C.V. : Production, |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2006Sands, Richard |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 1,48 million US$; stock-options: 3,99 million US$;
2006Sands, Robert |  Chairman; salary: 1,21 million US$; stock-options: 3,99 million US$;
2003Berk, Alexander |  Chairman; salary: 1,15 million US$; stock-options: 0,1 million US$;
2003Sands, Richard |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 12,11 million US$;
2003Sands, Robert |  Chairman; salary: 1,49 million US$; stock-options: 0,5 million US$;
2003Summer, Thomas |  Chief Financial Officer; salary: 0,82 million US$; stock-options: 0,05 million US$;
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year |   | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2006 |
| 5,22 | 0,33 | |   | billion US$ | |
2005 |
| 4,6 | 0,62 | |   | billion US$ | |
2004 |
| 4,09 | 0,28 | |   | billion US$ | |
2004 |
| 3,55 | 0,22 | |   | billion US$ | |
2003 |
| 2,73 | 0,2 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 3,63 | 0,14 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 3,15 | 0,1 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 2,34 | 0,08 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |