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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2008 | Carnival is the world's largest cruise operator with a capacity of 144 573 passengers. | Les Echos |
2006 | Carnival is the largest cruise operator in France with a 50% market share. | AFP |
2005 | Carnival is the world's largest cruise operator. It operates 79 cruise ships with 136,960 passenger capacity in North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. | |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Bahamas | Windstar Sail Cruises Ltd : |
Bahamas | Cunard Fleet Management Services Ltd : |
Bermuda | The Star Princess Cruise Ship is registered in Hamilton. : Reuters |
Bermuda | Trident Insurance Company Ltd : |
Panama | Golden Falcon International S.A : |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2005Arison, Micky |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 3,7 million US$;
2003Arison, Micky |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 4,93 million US$;
2003Frank, Howard |  Vice-president; salary: 7,16 million US$; stock-options: 8,42 million US$;
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2002 | United States of America : pleaded guilty to falsifying records to cover up oil pollution by six ships over several years, Carnival paid an $18 million fine | USA Today |
year | country : consequences source |
year |   | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2008 |
| 14,64 | 2,3 | |   | billion US$ | |
2007 |
| 13,07 | 2,4 | |   | billion US$ | |
2005 |
| 11,09 | 2,26 | |   | billion US$ | |
2004 |
| 9,73 | 1,86 | |   | billion US$ | |
2003 |
| 5,31 | 0,94 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 4,37 | 1,02 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 4,54 | 0,93 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 3,78 | 0,97 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 3,01 | 0,84 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |