name  click to compare prices |
!ex'cla.ma'tion | Abeille, Adams Respiratory Therapeutics, Air Fresh, Air Wick, Airwick, Aspen, Ava, Ava Perla | Baranne, Beckham (license pour parfum), Binaca, Blanco, Brasso | Calfort, Calgon, Calgonit, Calinda, Calvin Klein (licence parfum), Cattlemen's, Céline Dion (license pour parfum), Cerruti (licence parfum), Cillit, CK (licence parfum), Codis, Colon, Coty | d-Con | Destop, Dettol, Dettox, Disprin, Disprol, Dosia, Duraglit | Easy-Off, Electrasol, Exclamation | Finish, Flor, Frank's Redhot, French's | Gaviscon, Glassex | Harpic, Healing Garden | Immac, Intima di Karinzia | JAB, Jennifer Lopez (license pour parfum), Jet-Dry, Jex, Jik, JOOP!, Jovan | Kenneth Cole (licence parfum), Kenneth Cole (license pour parfum), Kop, Kukident | La Rose Jacqueminot, Lancaster, Lanza, Lavasbianca, Lemsip, Lime-Away, Lip, Liu, Lysol | Maison Verte, Manifesto, Mira Lanza, Mop & Glo, Mortein, Mr Sheen | Napisan, Neocid, Neofos, Nix | O'Cedar, Old English, Oxy | Pif Paf, Poliflor, Polivetro | Quanto | Reckitt Benckiser , Resolve, Rimmel, Rimmel, Rodasol | Sagrotan, Saint Marc, Sarah Jessica Parker (license pour parfum), Shieldtox, Sole, Sole di Marsiglia, Spray n'Wash, Steradent, Stetson, Superfaust | Target, Tre Corone | Vanilla Fields, Vanish, Veet, Veja, Vivienne Westwood | Wizard, Woolite |
» Shop local, ethical and at the best price on Ethishop  |
year | business source |
2007 | Reckitt Benckiser is the world's largest manufacturer of upkeeping products. | Les Echos |
2006 | Coty is the world's largest manufacturer of perfumes and the world's eighth-largest of cosmetics. | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Brazil | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Colombia | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Jamaica | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Kenya | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Mexico | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Peru | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
Turkey | : Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2006Becht, Bart |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 33 million Eu€; AFP |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2008 | : The industrial activities of Reckitt Benckiser cause the emission of the equivalent of 15 million tons of CO2 per year. | Les Echos |
2004 | brand: Saint Marc : Emission du formaldéhyde dans les produits de nettoyage, un gaz irritant pour le système respiratoire et classé cancérigène | Les Echos |
year | country : consequences source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2008 |
| | | | 0,3 | billion UK£ | Bloomberg |
2007 |
L'Oréal, Clarins, LVMH, Chanel, Procter & Gamble, Coty, Estee Lauder, Shiseido and PPR were fined 10 millions euros by the German Federal Cartel Office for sharing data on a 1.5 billion euros german cosmetics market. A probe by the cartel office revealed that the companies exchanged data since 1995 including plans to increase prices. Nine current or former managers were also penalized. "Because of the exchange of information, there's the danger that cosmetic companies coordinate their market behavior". |
| | | |   | | |
2006 |
| 7 | | |   | billion Eu€ | Les Echos |
2004 |
| 3,87 | 0,59 | |   | billion UK£ | |
2004 |
| | | | 0,3 | billion UK£ | CBS Marketwatch |
2003 |
| 3,7 | 0,49 | |   | billion UK£ | |
2002 |
| 5,66 | 0,65 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 4,99 | 0,52 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 4,78 | 0,47 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 4,94 | -0,06 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 3,65 | 0,27 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2001 | ad budget: 744 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | ad budget: 644 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | slogan: Stéradent confort, bien dans sa bouche, bien dans sa tête.; ad | |
1999 | slogan: Harpic, place aux experts.; | |
1999 | slogan: La différence est nette.; | |
1998 | slogan: Changez pour la brillance Calgonit.; | |
1998 | ad budget: 491 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1998 | slogan: Veet, mission impeccable.; | |
1997 | ad budget: 498 million US$; | Advertising Age |
1996 | ad budget: 471 million US$; | Advertising Age |