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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2006 | Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers earn about 70% of all global accounting fees. | |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Aruba | Fergusonstraat 58-60 Oranjestad & 297 8 26235 : |
Austria | Friedrichstrasse 10 Wien 1010 & 43 1 588 54 : |
Bahamas | 2nd Terrace West Collins Avenue Nassau & 242 3233426 : |
Bahrain | Al Khalifa Avenue Manama & 973 214490 : |
Barbados | White Park Road Bridgetown & 246 4367889 : |
Belize | 40A Central American Boulevard Belize City & 501 2 73020 : |
Bermuda | Church & Parliament Streets Hamilton & 441 2921500 : |
Cyprus | 256, Makarios Ave Lemesos 3105 & 357 5 74 92 92 : |
Cyprus | 15,Nicodemou Mylona Street Larnaka 6010 & 357 4 65 12 33 : |
El Salvador | 29 Avenida Norte No. 1223 San Salvador & 503 2257077 : |
Gibraltar | Imossi House 1/5 Irish Town & 350 41200 : |
Guernsey | Le Bordage St. Peter Port & 44 1481 724011 : |
Guyana | 77 Brickdam P.O. Box 10506 Geargetown & 592 2 63226 : |
Honduras | Calle Hivueras Ave. Cotán No. 3359 Tegucigalpa & 504 2320799 : |
Hong-Kong | 111 Connaught Road & 852 28521600 : |
Isle of Man | Grosvenor House 66/67 Athol Street Douglas & 44 1624 672332 : |
Mauritius | Cerné, House La Chaussée Port Louis & 230 2120223 : |
Ireland | Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 & 353 1 4172200 : |
Italia | Via 5 Febbraio, 111 47031 Domagnano San Marin & 378 904020 : |
Jamaica | 7 West Avenue Kingston Gardens Kingston 4 & 876 9226825 : |
Jersey | Lord Coutanche House 66-68 Esplanade St Helier & 44 1534 824200 : |
Lebanon | Ain El-Mreissé sector Beirut & 961 1 364700 : |
Luxembourg | 3, rte d'Arlon Strassen 8009 & 352 4 51452424 : |
Macau | 223-225 Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues & 853 712998 : |
Malta | 4 Europa Centre VLT 15 Floriana & 357 223457 : |
Malta | 1, Col. Savona Street Sliema & 356 345000 : |
Oman | Muttrah Business District Muscat & 968 799425 : |
Palau | P.O. Box 1016 & 680 488 2705 : |
Panama | Calle Elvira Méndez y Vía España Panama City & 507 2639900 : |
Paraguay | Estados Unidos 415 Asuncion & 595 21 220 790 : |
Philippines | 197 Salcedo St., Legaspi Village Makati City & 632 8181826 : |
Qatar | Gemco Building - 4th Floor
Sheikh Sehim Street Doha & 974 422168 : |
Singapore | 95 South Bridge Road #09-00 058717 & 65 532 34 88 : |
Uruguay | Cerrito 420 Montevideo & 598 2 9160756 : |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | | | | source |
2005 |
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission charged that Deloitte & Touche LLP should have caught misstatements in Adelphia's annual report for 2000, its last before its bankruptcy in mid-2002. The charges came in a lawsuit filed in federal district court in Manhattan and in an SEC administrative action. Without admitting or denying wrongdoing, Deloitte agreed to pay $50 million. |
| | | |   | | |
2005 |
A accepté de payer 375 000 dollars d'amende pour mettre fin à l'amiable à une enquête de la justice états-unienne. Chargé de surveiller en 1998 les comptes du fabricant d'articles de sport Feet, Deloitte & Touche n'a pas détecté une fraude massive dans la comptabilité de la compagnie. Deloitte est suspecté de complicité. |
| | | |   | | Los Angeles Times |
2004 |
Parmalat sues its former auditors Deloitte & Touche: "Deloitte did not just miss a few issues here and there," according to the lawsuit, obtained by Reuters. "It failed time and time again to report on the frauds that were lying not merely just below the surface, but right in front of its eyes." "Both Grant Thornton and Deloitte are therefore responsible, and liable, for the losses that were incurred as a result of their malfeasance." Deloitte is also under investigation in the Italian probe into Parmalat. |
| | | |   | | Reuters |
2003 |
| 15,1 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 12,5 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
Condamné à verser une amende de 540 000 euros pour irrégularités dans l’audit de la société financière Gescartera, aujourd’hui en faillite. |
| | | |   | | L'Expansion |
2002 |
Accusation d'Adelphia: Deloitte informé des malversations de John Rigas ainsi que de deux de ses fils, qui auraient entre autres détourné plus de 3 milliards de$US. En 2005, a accepté de payer 50 millions de dollars d'amende pour mettre fin à l'amiable à une enquête de la justice états-unienne qui avait jugé que Deloitte & Touche, chargé de surveiller les comptes du câblo-opérateur Adelphia, n'a pas joué son rôle en ne détectant pas une fraude massive dans la comptabilité de la compagnie. Le cabinet était suspecté de complicité. |
| | | |   | | Los Angeles Times |
2001 |
| 12,4 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 11,2 | | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2006 | Mishandling of private data: External auditor lost a CD with 9290 names, Social Security numbers and stock holdings in McAfee of current and former McAfee employees.: | Privacy Rights |
2000 | Arguable partnership: Global Compact with the United Nations: value: Respects human, social and environmental laws; | ONU |