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year | business source |
2008 | Banco do Brasil is Latin America's biggest bank. | Bloomberg |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Austria | Tegetthoffstras 4 Wien 1010 & 43 1 51266630 : |
Bahamas | Caixa-Postal N 3016 Nassau : |
Panama | Av 12 de Oct., Panama & SWIFT BRASPAPAXXX : SWIFT |
Paraguay | Calle Oliva Y Nuestra Senora de La Asuncion & 595 21 448761 : |
Uruguay | 25 de Mayo 506 Esquina Treinta y Tres Montevideo & 598 2 9170070 : |
year | country : description |
1989 | France : Using its double cap of CIA agent, directly in liaison with its chiefs, of whom the future president of the United States George Bush, and leader of a State of Central America, Manuel Noriega had transformed Panama into a true platform of drug traffic. The police force, the customs and the army participated to this almost "industrial" organization, according to the expression of a French customs officer in station in the Caribbean, from the drug trafficking which was, then, exported towards the United States and Europe. American and French police forces highlighted the scheme used to launder the drug money. Deposited on a Panamanian account of the BCCI, the money given to Manuel Noriega by the colombian drug cartels were transfered to London and Paris to be spread in bank accounts in Luxembourg, in Switzerland and Austria. From 1986, important sums, of an amount estimated to 25 million dollars, were also deposited in France by the Noriega clan, his wife, two of his daughters and the ambassadors of Panama in France and Great Britain, as well as the consul general from Panama in Marseille on accounts open in the BNP, the CIC, the Crédit Lyonnais and the Banco do Brazil. | Le Monde |
year | country : description source |
year |   | sales | income | | | source |
1998 |
| 24,07 | 0,72 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |