name  click to compare prices |
Adtech, Advertising.com, AIM, America Online Latin America, AOL , AOL Europe, AOL Instant Messenger, AOL Time Warner | BeBo, BidBuddy | Compuserve | Digital City | Games.com | ICQ | Lightningcast | MapQuest.com, MusicNow | Quigo, Quigo, Quigo | Singinfish | Tacoda, The Knot, The Search Works, The Technology Works, Third Screen Media, TotalTalk, Tradedoubler, Truveo | Userplane | Weblogs, Wilseed, Winamp, Winamp.com |
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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2008 | AOL's internet websites had an audience of 108 million visits in February 2008. | Les Echos |
2008 | AOL's internet websites had an audience of 267 million visits in October 2008 (comScore Media Metrix). | Capital |
2006 | 75 million people use AIM, AOL's Instant Messenger. | Les Echos |
2005 | AOL accounted for 9,6% of the US searches in August 2005 | |
2005 | AOL provides an internet access by ADSL to 0,5 million customers in France. | Les Echos |
2004 | AOL provides 6% of the Hi-speed internet access bought in France. | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
India | Bangalore : R&D, 2000 jobs, software engineer Les Echos |
Switzerland | CompuServe Interactive Services Schweiz Gmbh : |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
1998Case, Stephen |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 1,18 million US$; stock-options: 158,06 million US$; Les Echos |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2009 | 6900 -2500 | Internal restructuring: AOL cuts a third of its workforce before its spin-off from Time Warner.: United States of America | Les Echos |
2009 | -700 | Internal restructuring: AOL cuts 10% of its global workforce because of lower internet advertising spendings.: United States of America | Les Echos |
2007 | -2000 | Internal restructuring: AOL will eliminate about one-fifth of its global work force as part of an ongoing restructuring to better focus on boosting online advertising.: | AP |
2007 | -300 | AOL cuts half of its jobs in Europe.: | Les Echos |
2007 | -300 | Internal restructuring: AOL Europe will cut 50 % of its payroll in Europe. It is the second stage of its reorganization process, after the sale of AOL's Internet access activities to Neuf Cegetel. Since AOL focused on a economic model which rests on the supply of services and online contents, via its gate AOL.fr, the whole financed by publicity.: | ZDNet |
2006 | 19000 -2000 | Internal restructuring: | Les Echos |
2006 | -1300 | Internal restructuring: Time Warner cuts 7 percent of Aol's staff, as part of an effort to reduce costs by $1 billion. AOL will close a call center in Jacksonville, Florida, and other cuts will come from call centers in Ogden, Utah, and Tucson, Arizona. AOL has lost 8 million U.S. access customers in less than four years.: United States of America | Bloomberg |
2003 | 19000 -375 | Internal restructuring: | San Jose Mercury News |
2003 | -420 | | Dow Jones online |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | | source |
2006 |
| 3,93 | | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2006 |
AOL Europe Services in Luxembourg is fined 34 million euros for tax evasion. It was charging its french subscribers the VAT rate in Luxembourg (15%) instead of the french VAT rate (19,6%). |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2005 |
| 7,87 | | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2005 |
Un ancien employé d'AOL a été condamné à 15 mois de prison pour avoir vendu 92 millions d'adresses e-mail de la base de données d'AOL à plusieurs « spammers ». |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2004 |
| 8,28 | | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2004 |
Kent Wakeford and John Tuli, the company's two former executives, are among six people charged with fraud and making false statements to auditors in early 2001 |
| | | |   | | AP |
2004 |
Les résultats de l'AOL en Europe avant 2002 seront recalculés. |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2003 |
| 6,43 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 7,15 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
AOL UK totalement exonéré de TVA |
| | | |   | | 01net.com |
2001 |
| 8,72 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 6,89 | 1,23 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 2,6 | 0,09 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
2001 | Access to foreign market (through MAI, WTO, GATS), prevent binding environmental regulations : USCIB (US Council For International Business) : : US Government translate | USCIB |
2000 | Prevent binding regulation, co- or self-regulation instead. : American Chamber of Commerce's EU Committee : : European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1999 | Removal of barriers to trade and foreign direct investment, taxation (VAT : GBDe : : WTO translate | GBDe |
1999 | Deregulation and "maximum liberalization" through WTO, GATS : TABD (Transatlantic Business Dialogue) : : US Government / European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 26 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 784 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2006 | Mishandling of private data: AOL a diffusé les recherches privées de 658 000 utilisateurs américains de son moteur de recherche, avec l'historique des trois derniers mois, leur numero de sécurité sociale, la date et le thème de recherche, les liens cliqués de quoi retrouver l'identité des internautes.: | Libération |
2005 | Commercial invasion: "Les yeux qui se posent sur nos écrans valent des dollars… et ne comptez pas sur moi pour passer à côté d'un paquet de dollars." PDG de Time-Warner à propos d'AOL.: | Les Echos |
2004 | Arguable partnership: Secours populaire Français, « Classe Internet »: value: Solidarité; | |
1999 | slogan: Simplifiez vous internet; | |