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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2008 | Allstate is the largest publicly traded U.S. home and auto insurer. | Bloomberg |
2006 | World's tenth-largest insurer by market value. | AFP |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Singapore | Genting Lane #08-08 349565 Singapore : |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2003Wilson II, Thomas |  Chairman; salary: 3,61 million US$; stock-options: 3,33 million US$;
2002Liddy, Edward |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 4,14 million US$;
2000Liddy, Edward |  Chairman of the Board; salary: 4,5 million US$; stock-options: 7,1 million US$;
1998Choate, Jerry D |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 5,05 million US$; Forbes |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2009 | -1000 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Allstate is on the brink of a default on one of his "cat bonds". He announced to the rating agency Standard & Poor's that it could not afford to pay the next due date for interests on bonds issued in 2007 to hedge against U.S. hurricanes.: | Les Echos |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year |   | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
2003 |
| 32,11 | 2,7 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 29,58 | 1,13 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 28,8 | 1,16 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 29,13 | 2,21 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 26,97 | 2,72 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| | | | 2 | billion US$ | SmartMoney |
1998 |
| | | 27,93 |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 25,98 | 3,29 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| | | | 2 | billion US$ | SmartMoney |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
1998 | Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 126 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |