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Brunei Darussalam

Companies from Brunei Darussalam

Foreign companies established in this country.

Economy, tax incentives & labor conditions

There was virtually no union activity in Brunei, and there is no legal basis for either collective bargaining or strikes. Constitutional provisions regarding fundamental rights of freedom of speech, association, press and assembly remain suspended under a state of emergency declaration dating from 1962 and renewed by the government every two years. The associational rights of civil servants and members of the security forces are significantly limited by a strict prohibition against them joining political parties of any kind. There are only three trade unions registered in the country, all in the oil sector, representing a total of approximately 1,500 workers. There was virtually no discernible trade union activity during the past year.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 01/12/2007 , Annual Survey of violations of trade union rights )

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