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« Ethical » rating of Tiscali SpA
, group
and subsidiaries
Jobs -18% /1998
Sales 1 Bn $.€ /year
| [click on the rating for the method or on the number for the data]
shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2004 | Tiscali provides 6% of the Hi-speed internet access bought in France. | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year |   | sales | income | | | source |
2004 |
| 1,08 | -0,16 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2003 |
| 0,92 | -0,22 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2002 |
| 0,75 | -0,59 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2001 |
| 0,65 | -1,66 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2000 |
| 0,16 | -0,17 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 0,03 | -0,01 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1998 |
| 0 | 0 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2002 | slogan: Internet with a passion.; | |
2002 | slogan: Internet passionnement; | |