name  click to compare prices |
Actifed, Adenylchemie, Agouron, American Chicle, American Food Industries, Amlor | BenGay, Benylin, Bextra, Bioindustria Farmaceutici, Bioptics, Body Smarts, Bubblicious | Capsugel, Cardel, Celebrex, Certs, Chiclets, Clorets, Coley Pharmaceutical, Cortizone | Davis Medica, Dentyne, Depo-Prover, Desitin | Efferdent, Encysive, Encysive, Esperion, Esperion Therapeutics, Euthymol | Geodon | Halls | Lipitor, Lubriderm | Neosporin, Neurontin, Norvasc | PCS, Pfizer , PowerMed | Rolaids | Sinutab | Trident | Veganin, Vfend, Viagra, Vicuron, Visine | Xanax | Zantac, Zoloft, Zyrtec |
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shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2006 | Pfizer manufactures 8,2% of the drugs consumed in the world, largest world maker. | Les Echos |
2005 | World's largest pharmaceutical company. | Les Echos |
2004 | In 2004, five drugs (Lipitor, Norvasc, Zoloft, Celebrex, Neurontin) make 47% of the company's sales et more than 2 billion US$ each. 10 drugs (Lipitor, Norvasc, Zoloft, Celebrex, Neurontin, Zithromax, Viagra, Zyrtec, Bextra, Xalatan) make 61% of its sales and more than 1 billion US$ each. | |
2004 | Pfizer sells 26% of the tobacco substitutes bought in France. | Les Echos |
2003 | Pfizer produces 6% of the drugs bought in Japan | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
China | PharmaValley, Shanghai : R&D Les Echos |
Costa Rica | Zona franca Ultrapack & 2932345 : Procomer |
Gibraltar | Caribe Searle (Gibraltar) Limited : |
Isle of Man | Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Production Corporation Ltd : |
India | Duchem Laboratories Limited : |
Ireland | Pfizer Pension Trustees (Ireland) Limited : |
Ireland | Pfizer International Holdings Limited, Dublin : |
Ireland | Pfizer International Holdings Limited : |
Ireland | Pfizer International Bank Europe : |
Ireland | Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Production Corporation (partnership) : |
Ireland | Pfizer International Bank Europe, Dublin : |
Ireland | Pfizer Distribution Company : |
Jersey | Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Jersey Ltd : |
Jersey | Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Jersey Limited : |
Jersey | Pfizer Ventures Limited : |
Panama | Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Production Corporation : |
Panama | Pfizer International Corporation : |
Singapore | SmithKline Beecham Animal Health Private Ltd. : |
Turkey | : US Government Country Business Profile |
Zimbabwe | A.S. Ruffel (Private) Limited : |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
1998Steere Jr, |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 3,96 million US$; stock-options: 21,01 million US$;
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2009 | -20000 | Merger/Acquisition: With the takeover of Wyeth, Pfizer expects to achieve about $4 billion in "synergies" by 2012, enabling it to reduce the combined workforce of the two companies by 15%, or some 20,000 jobs. Pfizer announced that it will eliminate 8,000 jobs, 10% of its workforce. It is closing five of its 46 manufacturing plants.: | Business Week |
2009 | -800 | Internal restructuring: Pfizer cuts 800 research positions in 2009 as part of a restructuring.: United States of America | Reuters |
2008 | -982 | Internal restructuring: Pfizer cuts 743 medical representatives jobs and 200 jobs at its French headquarters.: France | AFP |
2008 | -275 | Internal restructuring: Pfizer cuts 275 jobs from its manufacturing operations in Kalamazoo County, as part of "ongoing efforts to remain globally competitive". "We're restructuring many of our support staff, supervisory and operational functions in Kalamazoo manufacturing," the company spokesman said.: United States of America | |
2008 | -500 | Internal restructuring: Pfizer cuts half of its manpower of medical representatives to physicians in France (- 400 jobs), and a quarter of its medical representatives to the hospitals and specialist physicians. According to a trade union, this plan aims at improving the net margin, the ratio net profit on sales, currently at 28% to 35% in 2010.: France | Les Echos |
2008 | -219 | Relocation: Pfizer delocalizes the manufacture of veterinary products of Amboise (Indre and the Loire) to Brazil. 10% of manpower of the factory are threatened. In addition, the research and development center of Tours is closed with 149 layoffs.: France | Les Echos |
2007 | -10000 | Internal restructuring: Pfizer cuts 20% of its medical representatives in Europe, closes three research centers in the United States, one in Japan and another one in France, Amboise.: | Les Echos |
2006 | -45 | Internal restructuring: Restructuration du laboratoire de R&D d'Amboise.: France | Les Echos |
2005 | -750 | Internal restructuring: Reestructuración de su plantilla de Barceloneta y Arecibo.: Puerto Rico | El Vocero |
2005 | -500 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Pfizer has announced plans to close its factory in Stockholm, will lead to the loss of 500 jobs over the next three years.: Sweden | The local |
2003 | -300 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Fermeture du siège social de sa filiale française: France | Les Echos |
2003 | -285 | Closure/Bankruptcy: Fermeture du centre de recherche de Fresnes spécialisée dans les allergies et les maladies respiratoires.: France | Les Echos |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2005 | United States of America brand: Bextra : Retiré du marché sur décision de la FDA en raison d'effets secondaires dangereux, sur la peau et le pression artérielle notamment. En septembre 2009, Pfizer paye une amende de 1 milliard pour régler à l'amiable le procès civil et 1,3 milliard de dollars pour solder le procès pénal. | Les Echos |
2005 | brand: Geodon : Older patients with dementia who are given antipsychotic medicines are far more likely to die prematurely than those given placebos. Most died of heart-related problems like heart failure or infections like pneumonia (FDA) | New York Times |
2004 | United States of America brand: Celebrex : Une plainte en nom collectif contre Pfizer pour avoir publié des communiqués "trompeurs" sur l'innocuité de ses anti-inflammatoires Celebrex et Bextra | AFP |
2004 | United States of America : 171 611 personnes contaminées à l'amiante par Quigley, une filiale de Pfizer | Les Barons Marqués |
2004 | United States of America : A accepté de payer 240 millions de dollars de dommages et intérêts pour avoir conseillé son anti-épileptique pour d’autres types de maladies que l’épilepsie, tels que la migraine, alors que la FDA ne lui avait pas accordé ce droit. | Firstinvest |
2004 | Canada brand: Celebrex : Celebrex accusé d'avoir causé 14 décès, 19 crises cardiaques et une centaine de réactions négatives | Le Bulletin des agriculteurs |
2001 | United States of America : Plainte en nom collectif déposée au tribunal de New-York par 30 familles nigérianes victimes des essais cliniques du Trovan, un antibiotique contre la méningite. Au cours de cette étude, pratiquée en 1996 pendant une épidémie de méningite, onze enfants sur deux cents avaient trouvé la mort et plusieurs autres avaient gardé de graves séquelles cérébrales ou motrices. | Le Monde Diplomatique |
year | country : consequences source |
year | country : description |
1996 | Nigeria : Expériences cliniques menées sans le consentement des patients à Kano. De nombreux enfants morts ou handicapés. | Arte |
year | country : description source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2008 |
| 48,3 | 8,1 | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2007 |
| 48,41 | 8,14 | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2006 |
| 48,4 | 19,33 | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2005 |
| 47,41 | 8,09 | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2005 |
Rapatriement de 3-,9 milliards de dollars de bénéfices nets accumulés hors des Etats-Unis, non imposé. |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2004 |
| 52,52 | 11,36 | |   | billion US$ | Les Echos |
2004 |
Pénalité de 430 milions dollars pour fraude, promotion de Neurontin "off-label" |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2003 |
| 44,74 | 3,91 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
| 32,37 | 9,13 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 32,26 | 7,79 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| | | | 5 | billion US$ | Boursier.com |
2000 |
| 29,57 | 3,73 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 16,2 | 3,18 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 13,54 | 3,35 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| | | | 5 | billion US$ | SmartMoney |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
2004 | Prevent binding environmental regulations (environmental protection through economic growth, self-regulation and free trade) : WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) : : United Nations translate | WBCSD |
2001 | Access to foreign market (through MAI, WTO, GATS), prevent binding environmental regulations : USCIB (US Council For International Business) : : US Government translate | USCIB |
2000 | Limit the legal liability, no price control, no list of preferred drugs, hampers the approval and marketing of generic drugs, no drug imports, no limit to drug advertising… : Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America : : US government, congress, senate translate | Washington Post |
2000 | Investment protection and market access (to Mexico and Canada through NAFTA), to Latin America (through FTAA). : Business Roundtable : : US government, senate, congress translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
2000 | Lift the ban on bovine growth hormons, the moratorium on GMOs : EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations) : : European Commission translate | EFPIA |
2000 | Prevent binding regulation, co- or self-regulation instead. : American Chamber of Commerce's EU Committee : : European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
2000 | lift the ban on bovine growth hormon : FEDESA : : European Commission translate | Fedesa |
1999 | Protection of Intellectual Property -TRIPS Agreement : Intellectual Property Committee : : WTO translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1999 | Market admission for genetically modified organisms : EuropaBio : : European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1999 | Market access and investment protection (through WTO, GATS), avoid social and environmental rules : ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) : : WTO, GATS translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1999 | Deregulation and "maximum liberalization" through WTO, GATS : TABD (Transatlantic Business Dialogue) : : US Government / European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1998 | Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 302 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 10000 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 733 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | donator | country | amount | source |
year | donator | country | amount | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2008 | Disinformation: "To boost sales of the anti-depressant Zoloft, Pfizer sought to expand the potential market by commissioning studies that suggested that the disorder PTSD was not as rare as most believed. A group called the PTSD Alliance. PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And one of the main messages of this group was that five percent of the American public suffered from PTSD. And this is estimate was millions and millions more than the government actually said suffered from this illness. And later, I learned that this group wasn't actually what I thought it was. It was the creation of a public relations firm working for Pfizer to sell more Zoloft.": | PBS |
2008 | "Documents and emails released this week ... suggest Pfizer's marketers influenced" research on the drug Neurontin "by declining to release or altering the conclusions of studies that found no beneficial effect from Neurontin for various off-label conditions," reports Keith Winstein. The Food and Drug Administration approved Neurontin for epilepsy and shingles. In 2004, Pfizer's Warner-Lambert unit admitted to promoting "off-label" uses. Companies can't promote drugs for unapproved uses, though doctors can prescribe off-label. Pfizer paid $430 million for the offense and claimed it ensured "there was no improper marketing after it purchased Warner-Lambert in 2000." But the new documents, which were submitted in a lawsuit against Pfizer, detail more recent attempts to boost off-label sales. After one study showed Neurontin didn't lessen diabetic nerve pain, a marketer suggested "delaying the publication for as long as possible." One researcher emailed that she was told "not to publish anything that damages Neurontin's marketing success." Pfizer also failed to publish results that Neurontin didn't ease post-operative nerve pain. Lastly, after the drug was shown to have no effect on bipolar disorder, a Pfizer consultant writing up the study excluded 16 patients and changed how other patients were characterized, thus "turning a failure into a success.": | Wall Street Journal |
2007 | Disinformation: In early September, "major newspapers reported the alarming news that suicides among young people were on the rise because of a precipitous drop in the use of antidepressants," writes Alison Bass. The academic study the news articles were based on concluded that new safety warnings for young people using antidepressant drugs had discouraged doctors from writing prescriptions for depressed youths. But there's a hole in that argument: "while there was indeed an upturn in suicide rates among youths ... the number of prescriptions for antidepressants in the same age group remained basically unchanged." Bass points out that the pharmaceutical companies that make antidepressants might "benefit from the latest alarm about an apparent upturn in youth suicide rates. ... These companies have an enormous stake in reversing the current FDA warnings." Pfizer, which makes the antidepressant Zoloft, did provide $30,000 for the academic study, and the study's lead authors have ties to Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. "This isn't the first time that suicide rates have been trotted out as a public relations weapon," Bass adds. "Proponents of psychotropic drugs have long argued that suicide rates ... fell after" such drugs were introduced, though the decline began well before the drugs were widely prescribed.: | Boston Globe |
2006 | Disinformation: Pfizer broadcasted a video news release (VNR), a fake TV news, on cable channel KPIX-5, without disclosure.: | PR Watch |
2006 | Biopiracy - Appropriation of public knowledge: Pfizer sues the Philippines to prevent it from producing a generic version of its drug, in spite of the international authorization of the agreements on the intellectual property (TRIPS).: | AFP |
2006 | Disinformation: Pfizer hired C&W PR group "for general representation
and issues concerning Medicare/Medicaid and pharmaceutical research & development." The 11-person team assigned to the account includes former Minnesota Republican Congressman, Vin Weber. Weber is also Chairman of the National Endowment for Democracy and a board member of both the Aspen Institute and Citizens Against Government Waste. He was also involved with the neo-conservative network, the Project for a New American Century. In mid-June two men announced they were suing Pfizer, alleging serious side effects from the anti-cholesterol drug Lipitor.: public relations: C | PR Watch |
2005 | Arguable partnership: Sharing the Care: "Pfizer donates its most advanced medicines to low-income, uninsured patients through a network of more than 380 federally-qualified health centers": value: Health partner; | |
2005 | Arguable partnership: Partnership for Prescription Assistance with the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of
Physician Assistants, American College of Emergency Physicians, NAACP, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, National Medical Association, National Urban League, United Way of America.: value: Health; | |
2005 | Disinformation: Sponsor of the Business for Social Responsibility's 2005 conference.: | PR Watch |
2005 | Arguable partnership: Connection to Care: "medicines reach patients in need through individual physicians' offices": value: Health partner; | |
2004 | Disinformation: In December 2004 a report linked high doses of Celebrex, a member of the class of drugs referred to as Cox-2 inhibitors, to an increased risk of heart attacks. The co-managing director of the WPP Group's health and medical practice, Sherry Pudloski, told O'Dwyer's PR Daily that they still had the account but declined to talk about what they did for Pfizer.: | Sourcewatch |
2004 | In November 2004 Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide - a part of the WPP Group - took over the accounts for both of Pfizer's Celebrex and Bextra pain medications.: | Sourcewatch |
2004 | Arguable partnership: Don pour les victimes du tsunami: 10000000 de dollars: value: Humanitaire; | |
2001 | ad budget: 992 million US$; | Advertising Age |
2000 | ad budget: 944 million US$; | Advertising Age |