Gruner + Jahr AG
| Headquarters : Druck- und Verlagshaus Am Baumwall 11 20459 Hamburg Germany web tel. 49-40-37030 analytics  |
name  click to compare prices |
Berliner Abendblatt, Berliner Kurier, Best, Bizz | (50%) | Borse Online Verlag, Brigitte | Ca m'interesse , Capital, Car & Motor, Chemnistzer morgenpost, Claudia, Condé Nast, Cuisine Actuelle , Cuisine Gourmande  | Daphne Communication (50%), Delmagyarorszag, Delvilag, Dresdner Morgenpost | Ehrlich & Sons, Essen & Trinken, Evenimentul Zilei | Femme Actuelle , Femmes, Firstinvest, Focus, Format | G y J Espana Ediciones, G+J, Gala , Geo , Geolino, Gruner + Jahr, Guide Cuisine  | Halo, Hauser | Impulse | Jasmin | Konr@d | L'essentiel du Management  | Mia, Moje Gotowanie, Moje Mieszkanie, Morgenpost zum Sonntag, Motor-Presse Stuttgart (55%), Muy Interesante | Naj, Nepszabadsag, Neues Wohnen, News, News Gruppe, Novy Cas | Online Today | P.M., Park Avenue, Prima , Prisma Presse | | Sachische Zeitung, Schoner Wohnen, Ser Padres Hoy, Stern | Télé 2 Semaines, Télé Loisirs , TV Media (Austria) | Unser Schwerin | Voici , VSD  | Warnow Kurier am Sonntag, Web Magazine , Woman | | Young Miss |
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Locations & production
shareholder | country | % | source |
year | business source |
2006 | Largest press group in Europe, with 300 titles in 20 countries. | Les Echos |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2009 | -45 | Internal restructuring: Prisma Presse: France | Les Echos |
2008 | -120 | Internal restructuring: Gruner + Jahr regroups the staff of its 4 newspapers and economic magazines (Capital, Impulse, Boerse Online and Financial Times Deutchland) in Hamburg.: | Les Echos |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year |   | sales | | | | source |
2001 |
| 1,31 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 2,79 | | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 2,85 | | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 2,84 | | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2007 | Disinformation: | Libération |