ILO violation 87 : Despite world record gold prices, Australian-owned Emperor Gold Mine in Vatukoula laid off workers, made unilateral changes in conditions of work without consulting the union, and continued to refuse to reinstate or compensate 370 fired workers who continue what is now the world’s longest run picket, dating back to 1991. Emperor has refused to pay compensation to those fired strikers, despite rulings by the Fiji Human Rights Commission and a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry that they do so. In April, the company claimed financial losses and fired 300 workers, thereby exacerbating the company’s already troubled relationship with its workforce and the Fiji Mine Workers Union. The union held a vote in September to go on strike if management did not meet union demands regarding past and future lay-offs. Over 400 workers walked off the job in late November, protesting unilateral changes in work rosters by management that would threaten workers safety by failing to provide adequate rest in transitions between working day and night shifts. The mine then ceased operations on 5 December, stating that it was no longer economically viable, throwing another 1700 workers out of work.: