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Business & market
shareholder | country | % | source |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
China | Jinling Electrical (75%) : Production, 800 000 units / year Les Echos |
Russia | usine Vyatka à Kirov : 250 000 machines à laver par an Les Echos |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2005 | -185 | Internal restructuring: Candy announced a restructuring plan for its plant of Donora di Cortenuova.: Italia | European Restructuring Monitor |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year |   | sales | | | | source |
2001 |
| 0,82 | | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 0,8 | | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 0,46 | | |   | billion Eu€ | |
1998 |
| 1,19 | | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |