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shareholder | country | % | source |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
Israel | AT&T's Israel : University of California |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
2005Whitacre, Edward E Jr |  Chief Executive Officer; salary: 9,25 million US$; stock-options: 0,14 million US$;
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2008 | 310000 -4650 | Merger/Acquisition: Most of the reductions apply to the local phone business after the purchase of Bellsouth. AT&T plans to book a pretax cost of about $374 million for the job cuts in the first quarter.: United States of America | New York Times |
2002 | -5000 | | Ottawa Business Journal |
2001 | -4800 | | Wall Street Journal |
2001 | -2400 | | Wall Street Journal |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | buyback | source |
2002 |
| 37,83 | -13,08 | |   | billion US$ | |
2002 |
«Dead peasant insurance»: secretly bought life insurance on employees with the company as beneficiary for investment and tax purposes: tax-free investment income, tax deductions on interest paid on loans against the policy, tax free death benefits. |
| | | |   | | Wall Street Journal |
2002 |
Le PDG d'AT&T aurait choisit Salomon Smith Barney (SSB) pour introduire en bourse le filiale AT&T Wireless après que SSB ait accepté sa demande de relever sa recommendation à "achat". |
| | | |   | | AFX |
2001 |
| 52,55 | 7,71 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 65,98 | 4,67 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 62,39 | 3,43 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| | | | 4 | billion US$ | SmartMoney |
1998 |
| | | | 3 | billion US$ | SmartMoney |
1998 |
| 53,22 | 6,4 | |   | billion US$ | |
1990 |
Espionnage commercial: AT&T obtient le partage d'un contrat de satellites de télécommunications pour l'Indonésie (200 millions de $US) grâce à l'interception des communications de son concurrent par le réseau Echelon. |
| | | |   | | RFI |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
2001 | Access to foreign market (through MAI, WTO, GATS), prevent binding environmental regulations : USCIB (US Council For International Business) : : US Government translate | USCIB |
2000 | Prevent binding environmental regulations (environmental protection through economic growth, self-regulation and free trade) : WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) : : United Nations translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
2000 | Investment protection and market access (to Mexico and Canada through NAFTA), to Latin America (through FTAA). : Business Roundtable : : US government, senate, congress translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
2000 | Prevent binding regulation, co- or self-regulation instead. : American Chamber of Commerce's EU Committee : : European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1999 | Market access and investment protection (through WTO, GATS), avoid social and environmental rules : ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) : : WTO, GATS translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1999 | Deregulation and "maximum liberalization" through WTO, GATS : TABD (Transatlantic Business Dialogue) : : US Government / European Commission translate | Corporate Europe Observatory |
1998 1s | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 3940 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1998 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 330 thousand US$ : US Democratic Party translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1998 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 691 thousand US$ : US Republican Party translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1998 | Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 772 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1998 | Regulation favorable to company's interests : Contribution to Candidate's Political Action Committee : amount: 45 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 1593 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 7800 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
1997 | Legislation favorable to company's interests : Direct donation : amount: 7800 thousand US$ : US President, Congress, Senate translate | Center for Responsive Politics |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2006 | Mishandling of private data: Confidential technical documents provided by an ex-AT&T technician for a lawsuit detail how AT&T helped the government set up a massive internet wiretap by diverting internet traffic to the National Security Agency.: | Wired News |
2003 | Disinformation: Member of the advisory group of Green Business Network: value: Protection of the environment; | Interpress Service |
2003 | Arguable partnership: Huntington Theatre Company: | Boston Globe |
1999 | Arguable partnership: Nations Unies: value: Respect des droits de l'Homme; | AP |